Integral Ubuntu for Europe & Africa

Dr. Paddy Pampallis:Integral Ubuntu for Europe & Africa

Africa is the cradle of mankind, of womankind, of humankind, where kindness based on service to others is very important. Ubuntu is an integrating principle: it means I am because of you, because of all of us. From an integral perspective, it means that I and WE are strongly connected.

Dr. Paddy Pampallis from Cape Town, South Africa, has been working in the fields of education, social development, psychotherapy, leadership, and business for the last 40 years. She is the founder/director of Integral+ Africa Institute™ and The Coaching Centre.

“When we have interventions in organizations
we have to first meet them where they are
and forget what it is that we bring
to first see what it is that they have inside.”

Paddy says that in solving difficulties, we have to re-awaken our consciousness (parts of ourselves that are cut off) rather than shift to a new consciousness.

She created a coaching program that turned out to also be a leadership process. Participants first have to do their personal transformation work and then they are ready to create their own model of coaching or leadership. It is not about accepting a particular model of coaching, but creating a model relevant to their stage of interpretation. This way it will be relevant for work that they’re going to do, and they also learn that it is not an authority telling them what should be done and how.

In the assessment process of the coaching program there are 3 competency structures:

  • not yet competent – integration hasn’t happened
  • competent – there is an integration but it’s at a conventional level
  • very competent – the integration is at a postconventional level

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