Getting to know the founder of mature adult development theory

Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter is not only an authority on the global scene of research-based adult development but also one of the most trusted elder teachers of the integral community.

Her Ego Development Theory is  often referenced by Ken Wilber –  who has created his own model of the stages of development by integrating the most solid systems – in many of his works, pointing to the sophisticated theory of mature adult development.

Susanne is an internationally known authority on Mature Adult Development with a doctorate in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard. She is a founding member of the Integral Institute and a co-director of the Integral Psychology Center. She leads workshops throughout the world in the Leadership Maturity Framework and its application for coaching individuals, teams and organizations.

Susanne is the author of the SCTi-MAP, a professional Sentence Completion Test based on Jane Loevinger’s work and her own ongoing research since 1980. Her database alone is now over 7700 SCT protocols. The SCTi-MAP is still the most sophisticated and statistically rigorous assessment tool available for measuring a person’s stage of meaning making. Unlike other development theories, the Leadership Maturity Framework is empirically based and therefore evolving as new evidence warrants. As a seasoned practitioner, Susanne consults to various projects in research design (integrated qualitative and quantitative analyses) and in using developmental assessment tools as part of transformational interventions.

She is Co-Founder and Chief Wisdom Officer of the Center for Leadership Maturity, a Consulting, Coaching, Testing and Research Enterprise dedicated to facilitating Vertical Development in individuals and systems. Susanne also coaches individuals in self-understanding, self-acceptance and personal growth. She travels globally to share her insights and to train professionals in applying ego and leadership development theory to self, teams, and systems.

Click below for more info about Susanne Cook-Greuter’s upcoming course!

With love,

The IEC team

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