Learn to See Beyond the Constant Flux

In a world where leadership is under huge pressure to manage increasingly complex worlds, the cultivation of ‘2nd tier strategic thinking’ is core. Studies show that the stage of meaning-making is often more powerful in explaining individual differences in behavior than personality traits and intelligence combined. According to Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter’s research there are 9 stages of adult meaning-making development.

How can you know about your current stage of meaning-making?

The Maturity Assessment for Professionals sentence completion test, based on 35 years of ongoing research in Adult Development,  was created to fulfill that purpose.
The MAP test assesses your current stage of development. This is the stage from which you routinely make meaning of your life. Your stage of development determines your leadership experience, and how you may act in the world.

Your Leadership Maturity Profile reveals your growing edge, your readiness for vertical movement, and the opportunities for further growth. Your profile report offers you specific recommendations and practices tailored to your unique developmental distribution, for deepening your current understanding and for continuing your journey of life-long learning.

Curious about your own profile? We invite you to join us in Budapest for the Leadership Maturity Framework: Experiential Intensive for Professionals with Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter and Dr. Paddy Pampallis. You get your assessment as an essential part of the training!

Each stage of meaning-making determines how individuals use their logic

to function in the workplace; how they interact with others, and how they solve ever increasingly complex problems and deal with adversity. The larger the scope of the task, job or role, the more capacity is needed to deal with the ‘wicked’ problems arising in their context. The Leadership Maturity Framework predicts how individuals engage with these problems through increasing levels of complexity to ultimately manage the many polarities that form part of the leadership landscape.


Transform your Leadership! Be Impactful!

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Leadership Maturity Framework

Experiential Intensive for Professionals

Europe – Budapest, Hungary:  May 16 – 19, 2017

Application and Certification:

• You will receive a Certificate of Completion and Attendance.
• you will be able to identify and accelerate your own personal development pathway for growth.
• As a certified coach and ICF member, you will qualify for ICF Credentials for Continuing Education.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler

With Love,

The IEC team


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