A message from Diane Musho Hamilton IEC3 Speaker – Integral, Zen and Evolution

A message from Diane Musho Hamilton IEC Keynote Speaker

“I am really excited about coming to Europe this spring for the Integral European Conference, it is both an honor and a great pleasure to be one of the speakers.” 

– starts Diane her 4 minute video message in which she introduces her IEC3 talk “The Zen of Collective Evolution”. 

Watch the video and hear Diane’s message!

About Diane Musho Hamilton 

Diane has been a practitioner of meditation for more than 25 years. In the 1980s she studied at Naropa University together with Choygam Trungpa Rinpoche and a decade later became a Zen student of Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi.  In 2003, together with her husband Michael Mugaku Zimmerman,  she received ordination as a Zen monk. In 2006 she also got dharma transmission from Genpo Roshi. By now she is a lineage holder in the Soto Zen tradition.

Diane has extensive experience in facilitating group dialogues, especially conversations about culture, religion, race and gender relations. As a mediator, Diane was the Director of the Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution for the Utah Judiciary from 1994-99. 


Diane  has collaborated with the Integral Institute and Ken Wilber since 2004, developing the Integral Life Practice seminars and the Integral Spiritual Experience global events. She and her husband are founders and guiding teachers of the Boulder Mountain Zendo in Salt Lake City, Utah.
She is the lead teacher at Ten Directions , and in 2014  Diane co-founded an international, 9 months long professional training called Integral Facilitator Certificate Program, aiming to bring and develop integral approach to the practice of facilitative leadership..

She also facilitates Big Mind Big Heart, a process developed by Genpo Roshi to help elicit the insights of Zen in Western audiences. Together with her husband they established Two Arrows Zen, a center for the study and practice of Zen. They maintain two facilities – an urban center in downtown Salt Lake City, and a rural retreat center in the red rocks of Southern Utah where traditional Zen meditation is joined with nature-based practices and shamanic disciplines.

Diane encourages us to consciously evolve beyond old and limited ideas of who we are so that we might discover our own unique expression of wisdom and of compassion in this time.  For her, Zen practice is a fundamental commitment to experiencing reality as it is – beautiful, ungraspable and seamless, nothing other than your own life. It is also a practice in fearlessness, in compassion, and in seeing the wisdom in all situations and greeting them with a joyous mind.

She is the author of two books: Everything is Workable, and The Zen of You and Me, both published by Shambhala Publications. She is also a contributor to Harvard Business Review.
In her book Everything is workable she presents a zen and spiritual approach to conflict resolution. She gives the readers the tools they need for dynamical, vital and effective relationships, both on professional and personal level.


She co-founded the Utah Council on Conflict Resolution (www.uccr.net) for the Utah Judiciary, where they established mediation programs throughout the court system. For this work in this area she received some prestigious awards such as the UCCR Peacekeeper Award in 2001, and the Peter W. Billings Award from the Utah State Bar for Outstanding Work in Dispute Resolution in 2003. She also taught mediation at the University of Utah Law School and the Utah Communications Institute.


The photo has also Diane Musho Hamilton, Rebecca Colwell and Rob McNamara, members of the Integral Facilitator Teacher Team who all come to the 3rd Integral Europan Conference to share their method in the Integral Facilitator track workshop room. 



With Love,

The IEC team






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