About the evolution of the “New We” – Steininger & Debold IEC keynoters

About the evolution of the “New We”

Dr. Thomas Steininger and Elizabeth Debold IEC keynoters greets you and talk about the “New We” from Frankfurt, Germany.

About Dr. Thomas Steininger

Dr. Thomas Steininger is publisher of Evolve Magazin, a leading German integral magazine on consciousness and culture. He is known internationally as a speaker on cultural evolution and the different spiritual and cultural currents that have formed our postmodern world. He has a deep understanding of integral theory and was a member of Andrew Cohen’s community fo which he came out with a lot of learning: what works, what not and what the next stage of evolution for communties and we sapces could be. He is a faculty member of Meridian University in California and co-founder of the “Emerge Dialogue Process,” an advanced practice in conscious communication.

About Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D.

I call myself a “gender futurist”—exploring gender and social change for forty years. The first half of that time, I spent as a women’s rights activist, studied developmental psychology at Harvard University (with Dr. Carol Gilligan), and co-authored a bestselling book, Mother Daughter Revolution. For the last twenty years, I have worked with “We” dialogue contexts that creatively engage diversity within unity, and so, I founded One World in Dialogue and co-lead emerge Bewusstseinskultur (Consciousness Culture).
Meet Thomas and Elizabeth in person at the 3rd Integral European Conference!
With Love,

The IEC team


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