Happy New Year Gift 2019

Happy New Year Gift

IEC team wishes you a prosperous 2019, filled with beautiful integral experiences. Here it comes the team’s new year gift for you.

Download & listen complimentary the following thoughtful presentations of IEC 2018.

It wasn’t easy to pick up these gems from all of the wonderful workshops and presentations of the last conference. Treat yourself, listen and learn.

STAGES for Integral Geeks This workshop features the theoretical underpinnings of the STAGES developmental model, based on a combination of Wilber’s work and the Loevinger Lineage of ego development, and how the theory supports the subsequent research. The three polar pairs of individual/collective, inside and outside, and inter/exterior that make up the Integral frame is used in a novel way to create perspective definitions, and a new understanding of the use of zones. Participants will learn how emptiness and fullness is the basis of this model, how developmental stereotypes get propagated, and the repeating patterns that arise through making some clear distinctions from the orienting generalizations in the Integral Frame. The methodology for arriving at this theory and the subsequent research will be described.

The Perennial Fallacy of Developmental Altitude: Enhancing Your Developmental Acumen

Many of us are employing and working with less mature understandings and applications of developmental theory. As a result, our engagements with the people and organizations we work with often suffer. Unknowingly we negatively impact our own well-being. While our intentions may be good, the interventions we employ can have far reaching developmental implications that may not serve the people, groups and organizations we work with. This presentation is a first step toward enhancing, refining and maturing our collective developmental acumine. We focus on enacting more of your own human elegance in how you understand and work with development. Participants shift their thinking away from the idea that people are “at” or “in” a stage of development. A more accurate and nuanced view of dynamic developmental processes is fostered. Pragmatic Neurological and biological supports are supplied to unlock greater efficacies in how you foster your own and other people’s development.

Spiritual Edge: Exploring the Boundaries and Future of Religion

We all live a life on the edge – standing at the intersection of identity and on the precipice of what’s to come. International speaker, author, life coach and interfaith minister Joran Oppelt explores the boundaries and future of spirituality through the story of his quest for beauty, goodness and truth. This motivating and inspiring program provides you with the courage and the tools necessary to follow your own edges and move beyond them. With Love, The IEC team

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