Announcing Keynotes: #1 Ken Wilber!

Ken Wilber Keynote at IEC 2020:

Types of Wholeness Required for a Global Transformation”

Excited to announce, that internationally acknowledged leader, founder of Integral Institute will join us on a live conference call between 26-31 May, 2020, the 4th Integral European Conference.

Ken Wilber is often mentioned as the Einstein of consciousness studies, and one of the most important philosophers in the world today. Also the Integral Institute, which is the first organization fully dedicated to advancement and application of the Integral Approach in relation to contemporary global issues. It was formed in collaboration with over 200 scholars and experts, specializing in education, politics, business, medicine, psychology, spirituality, as well as, law and criminal justice.

Types of Wholeness Required for a Global Transformation

Ken Wilber will be amongst the 15 keynote speakers of the event, and in the live stream he will talk about global transformation, which downright relates to the Integral Global Awakens theme. Here is what he has to say about the upcoming presentation:


“We hear a lot today about both the alarming necessity of a global transformation (because of the disasters of climate change) and the positive likelihood of global transformation (due to, some say, a coming leap in consciousness). This talk focuses on the idea, stemming from Integral Metatheory, that there are actually numerous types of global transformation that might occur, each marked by a different type of wholeness, and each of these in fact offer very different things. We already have, for example, global financial systems and global technology, but neither of these has done anything to alleviate global warming. So what is involved, and how can they each be viewed with a truly Integral lens?”

Make sure you share this experience with us, do not forget to sign up for the notification of the registration for IEC 2020 starting in November!

Ken Wilber is the originator of the world’s first truly comprehensive or integrative philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory.” As Wilber himself puts it: “I’d like to think of it as one of the first believable world philosophies” — something that is becoming increasingly necessary in order to navigate and thrive in today’s world.

He is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages. Ken Wilber currently lives in Denver, Colorado, and is still active as a philosopher, author, and teacher, with all of his major publications still in print.

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