Introducing Shamanic Track – Thematic tracks at IEC 2020

Thematic Tracks at IEC 2020

Shamanism, Nature Mysticism & Ecology Track

As we are entering a new era of higher stage of consciousness with collective awakening and the urgent need for real change in order for humanity to survive, the time has come to invite Ancient wisdom & the Mother Earth Herself around the table.

Nature is a mirror, a teacher, and a container for individual and collective transformation.  The Earth is a subtle intelligence that has the capacity to accelerate healing and to communicate with every living being. Indigenous people have never lost this unity and dialogue with animate Nature.

Today, a shamanic renaissance is happening (D.Kowalewski).  Both in traditional communities as well as in Western countries, shamanic & nature practices are reviving. People all over the planet are feeling the need for reconnecting with the spiritual roots of their cultures. Every human is by nature, by its DNA, connected with the natural world and the Earth. Shamanic practices, nature ceremonies, deep ecology can all help the evolutionary process towards deeper intuitive knowing and transformation towards Yellow and Transpersonal stages.

Indigenous wisdom keepers together with contemporary shamans can help save our Mother Earth, bring wisdom and compassion in our organizations & communities, and most importantly, can help heal our hearts, or “can melt the ice in the hearts of mankind” as keynote speaker and shaman from Greenland, Angaangaq, says.    

Shamanic practices impact on the level of the individual, the interpersonal, the community and the planetary level. In this first time Shamanic, Nature Mysticism & Nature Track we want to offer inspiration, teachings, experiences & healing for participants on all these levels bridging past, present and future.

shamanic track angaangaq

Arctic shaman Angaangaq from Greenland sits at a sacred fire in prayer

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All activities of the Shamanic Track, the sunrise ceremonies, morning practices, talking circles, workshops and other ceremonies will be held in a Hungarian Yurt in the garden of the hotel close to the lake and around the fire place outside.

In the yurt, experiences will be shared, stories will be told in a circle where speaking and listening will evolve. So, no powerpoint presentations to expect. The “workshops” will be intensive, in-depth, ceremonial spaces in which healing and transformation can occur.

The content of the Shamanic Track program will evolve around “the importance of shamanic & nature wisdom and practice” on the planetary, organizational, interpersonal and individual levels.

On the first Conference day, Keynote Speaker Angaangaq will bring a message from the Indigenous Arctic people addressing the needed transformation on the individual level for the survival of humanity and the Earth. %22The Elders teach us that if we return to harmony in our lives, melting the ice in our hearts, reconnecting with one another, we will survive. It is time to use this knowledge to help mankind”.

During the talking circles & experiential workshops of the Shamanic Track, we will learn and experience about the importance of Shamanic & Nature wisdom & practices from many different perspectives and inspirations, both ancient and contemporary, indigenous and western: Indigenous wisdom from Greenland, Hungary, Native Americans, the Norse Rune inspiration, ritual & ceremony as a daily practice, energetic work, the Corporate Shaman, Deep & Integral Ecology, Eco-psychology, Bill Plotkin’s nature-based psychology, and the list goes on and on…

With the Track team, we will practice ceremony throughout the Conference, cleansing the energy field, giving thanks, honoring the 7 directions and the Spirits of the place at the start and end of the Conference and every morning at sunrise. We will create sacred space & healing opportunities in the yurt and around the fireplace with fire ceremonies, drumming, Rune readings.

Stay tuned, another blog post is coming soon about the presenters & keepers of the Shamanic Track.

Welcome to this new Integral experience on IEC2020!

We hope to meet you there,

Chris Hoerée

Track Leader

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All activities of the Shamanic Track, the sunrise ceremonies, morning practices, talking circles, workshops and other ceremonies will be held in a Hungarian Yurt in the garden of the hotel close to the lake and around the fire place outside. 

In the yurt, experiences will be shared, stories will be told in a circle where speaking and listening will evolve.  So, no powerpoint presentations to expect.  The “workshops” will be intensive, in-depth, ceremonial spaces in which healing and transformation can occur.

The content of the Shamanic Track program will evolve around “the importance of shamanic & nature wisdom and practice” on the planetary, organizational, interpersonal and individual levels.

On the first Conference day, Keynote Speaker Angaangaq will bring a message from the Indigenous Arctic people addressing the needed transformation on the individual level for the survival of humanity and the Earth.  “The Elders teach us that if we return to harmony in our lives, melting the ice in our hearts, reconnecting with one another, we will survive.  It is time to use this knowledge to help mankind”.

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All activities of the Shamanic Track, the sunrise ceremonies, morning practices, talking circles, workshops and other ceremonies will be held in a Hungarian Yurt in the garden of the hotel close to the lake and around the fire place outside.

In the yurt, experiences will be shared, stories will be told in a circle where speaking and listening will evolve. So, no powerpoint presentations to expect. The “workshops” will be intensive, in-depth, ceremonial spaces in which healing and transformation can occur.

The content of the Shamanic Track program will evolve around “the importance of shamanic & nature wisdom and practice” on the planetary, organizational, interpersonal and individual levels.

On the first Conference day, Keynote Speaker Angaangaq will bring a message from the Indigenous Arctic people addressing the needed transformation on the individual level for the survival of humanity and the Earth. %22The Elders teach us that if we return to harmony in our lives, melting the ice in our hearts, reconnecting with one another, we will survive. It is time to use this knowledge to help mankind”.

During the talking circles & experiential workshops of the Shamanic Track, we will learn and experience about the importance of Shamanic & Nature wisdom & practices from many different perspectives and inspirations, both ancient and contemporary, indigenous and western: Indigenous wisdom from Greenland, Hungary, Native Americans, the Norse Rune inspiration, ritual & ceremony as a daily practice, energetic work, the Corporate Shaman, Deep & Integral Ecology, Eco-psychology, Bill Plotkin’s nature-based psychology, and the list goes on and on…

With the Track team, we will practice ceremony throughout the Conference, cleansing the energy field, giving thanks, honoring the 7 directions and the Spirits of the place at the start and end of the Conference and every morning at sunrise. We will create sacred space & healing opportunities in the yurt and around the fireplace with fire ceremonies, drumming, Rune readings.

Stay tuned, another blog post is coming soon about the presenters & keepers of the Shamanic Track.

Welcome to this new Integral experience on IEC2020!

We hope to meet you there,

Chris Hoerée

Track Leader

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European healer with shamanic capacities, Brigitte Wingelmayr from Austria works on IEC participant and Integral Academy student Rose (Rózsa Kovács), who became  one of the most seeked therapist and shamanic practitioner recently in the area. Both Rose and Brigitte will join the Angaangaq and Chris Hoerée in the Shaman Yurt in Talking Circles to share their insights at IEC 2020. 

During the talking circles & experiential workshops of the Shamanic Track, we will learn and experience about the importance of Shamanic & Nature wisdom & practices from many different perspectives and inspirations, both ancient and contemporary, indigenous and western: Indigenous wisdom from Greenland, Hungary, Native Americans, the Norse Rune inspiration, ritual & ceremony as a daily practice, energetic work, the Corporate Shaman, Deep & Integral Ecology, Eco-psychology, Bill Plotkin’s nature-based psychology, and the list goes on and on…

With the Track team, we will practice ceremony throughout the Conference, cleansing the energy field, giving thanks, honoring the 7 directions and the Spirits of the place at the start and end of the Conference and every morning at sunrise.  We will create sacred space & healing opportunities in the yurt and around the fireplace with fire ceremonies, drumming, Rune readings.

Stay tuned, another blog post is coming soon about the presenters & keepers of the Shamanic Track.

Welcome to this new Integral experience on IEC2020!

We hope to meet you there,

Chris Hoerée
Track Leader

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