Why is Worldwide Integral Tribe Gathering?

Why is Worldwide Integral Tribe Gathering?

– the Patten-Ganti podcast

Terry Patten shares his newest State of Emergence podcast conversation with Bence Ganti, the international teacher of integral psychology and co-founder of Integral Europe. 

In this episode, “Why the Worldwide Integral Tribe Is Gathering”, Bence and Terry discusses the inspiring gathering that will be happening this May in Hungary. It’s a gathering of the international integral community and other communities devoted to “deliberate development” of consciousness. We explore the art, science, and miracle of convening a truly transformational community, and how that can spread across the world.

Terry and Bence discuss the accelerating adoption of integral theory across Europe and how different countries and communities are introducing integral consciousness. We explore innovative we-space practices and the importance of in-person gatherings for the Integral community — especially our transformative Integral European Conference in Hungary this May.

Terry will be a speaker at the conference, giving a talk called Yin Leadership: Fear, Courage and Cooperation. Check out the new episode on State of Emergence on any podcast player or on the web at stateofemergence.org.

Listen to the podcast here or via this link:


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