Announcing IEC Online 2020

IEC Online 2020!

We have the pleasure to announce that IEC Online 2020 will happen in 6 weeks, from May 27-31! It is so exciting to experience the powerful buildup of this new and creative way to connect with potentially hundreds of integralists from around the world for an amazing 4 days in the online space.

Though we believe that the full experience is the live gathering in May 2021, after having run quite a few online gatherings in the last period, we feel reinvigorated and inspired to offer an online IEC to the global integral world.

We intend to have as much meaningful exchange, sharing, and learning, along with connectedness and fun, as possible from our homes during the coronavirus times, and create an atmosphere of relaxedness, openness, curiosity, and playfulness in this collective meaning-making.

When we created the title „Global Integral Awakens” we didn’t know how true that would be this May, when we are literally undergoing a global, collective transformation. We will keep this title as a guiding thread of the conference for both the online and the live IEC next year.

Let’s explore together how this global challenge unfolds, what is awakening, and what integral has to do with it — both in meaning-making and practice.

Keep the original IEC date in your calendar, or put the new online dates there if you haven’t done so yet:


IEC Online 2020
May 27-31, 2020


We shortened the online conference to 4 full days, adding an evening to start. We also adjusted the format of the online conference to meet the time zone challenges of so many people joining from most continents.

IEC Online will start on Wednesday evening CET time with a Global Sharing Circle to bring the community together, followed by selected presentations, experiential workshops, and playful community activities on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

The IEC team is working around the clock now to put together this unique online conference. We proudly announce a few of the speakers and workshop holders already confirmed to present at IEC Online 2020.

See the developing lineup of the first 30 confirmed presenters out of a total of 80!

Ken Wilber

Fresh Messages from the Founder of Integral Theory

Ken Wilber is often mentioned as the Einstein of consciousness studies, and one of the most important philosophers in the world today.

He is the originator of the world’s first truly comprehensive or integrative philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory.” As Wilber himself puts it: “I’d like to think of it as one of the first believable world philosophies” — something that is becoming increasingly necessary in order to navigate and thrive in today’s world.

Ken Wilber is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages. He currently lives in Denver, Colorado, and is still active as a philosopher, author, and teacher, with all of his major publications still in print.

Bence Ganti

Hosting & What has Changed Since the Coronavirus Period?

Bence Ganti M.A., integral psychologist, international teacher of integral psychology. Integral European Conferences (IEC) and Integral Academy founder and director. A dual citizen of USA and Hungary, gives keynote addresses, presentations, and workshops worldwide, including Integral Flow Groups. He thought in San Francisco Mexico, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Russia, Africa and other countries.

Frederic Laloux

Coronavirus and Climate Emergency

Belgian author, former associate partner with McKinsey & Company. Laloux holds an MBA from INSEAD, and a degree in coaching from Newfield Network in Boulder, Colorado. He moved from Brussels with his young family to join an ecovillage in upstate New York. Laloux has travelled widely and speaks five languages.

Terri O’Fallon

Developmental Confusions

Terri O’Fallon, Ph.D. is a partner in STAGES International, a researcher and has been teaching for 45 + years. She is a coach, a spiritual director and a designer of transformative containers and programs. Terri does ongoing research on the STAGES developmental model which supports four later levels of development.

Otto Scharmer

Theory U and Presencing for an Integral World

Dr. Otto Scharmer is Senior Lecturer at MIT, co-founder of the Presencing Institute and the MITx u.lab (140,000 users in 185 countries). He introduced the concept “presencing” in his bestselling books Theory U, & The Essentials of Theory U. He is co-author of Leading from the Emerging Future. He is a member of the World Future Council, a recipient of the MIT-Jamieson Prize for Teaching Excellence & the European Leonardo Corporate Learning Award.

Brian Robertson

Holacracy®: Encoding Teal into your Organizations

Brian Robertson is the world’s foremost expert on Holacracy, a revolutionary framework for self-managing organizations. After years as CEO of an award-winning software company, he co-founded HolacracyOne to share this innovative method with other organizations.

Susanne Bennett

Communicating the Climate Crisis by Design

Susanne was educated as an archaeological anthropologist at Columbia University. She is a master public speaker with more than 35 years’ experience in the fields of personal growth, building science, and environmental issues. She is the editor of “Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives.” Susanne was trained by Al Gore as a Climate Reality Leader and co-leads lectures internationally on “Solving the Climate Crisis by Design,” along with trans-disciplinary research workshops.

Hanzi Freinacht

Metamodernism – Friend or Foe to Integral?

Hanzi Freinacht, philosopher of metamodernism, is born at the crossroads of fact and fiction, part scholar, part guru, part joker, part revolutionary activist, part calm reformist. He lives and breathes between and beyond the disciplines, a thousand voices crisscrossing in his mind, oscillating between tormented confusion and blissful clarity.

Hanzi leaves his refuge in the Alps to share his sincerely-ironically held open conspiracy against modernity.

Terry Patten

Yin Leadership: Fear, Courage and Cooperation

Terry Patten co-wrote the book Integral Life Practice and has taught ILP to over 1000 people. He recently authored A New Republic of the Heart. He founded and leads Bay Area Integral. He also created “Beyond Awakening”. Earlier he founded Tools For Exploration, an early consciousness technologies company. Currently, he’s involved in restorative redwood forestry and fossil-fuel alternatives, and leads a social experiment uniting Inner, Outer and Inter(personal) Work for social transformation.

Jordan Allen

Circling + Holacracy: Live Cross-Paradigm Practice

CEO of Circling Europe, author of A Beautiful Apocalypse. Jordan’s gift is in bringing the wisdom of Surrendered Leadership to the world—in the Austin Circling Studio and, in AI research teams and CEO networks, etc. You will see a constant willingness to trust life more elegantly, to be in reverence to the mystery and wisdom of immediacy. Even with these high ideals, Jordan is a simple man who loves climbing, superhero movies, making music and being close with his family.

Marysia Pstrokońska

Surrendered Leadership Circling

Marysia is a senior leader with Circling Europe. She has studied various kinds of Bodywork, Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Coaching and is passionate about body wisdom and embodiment in relational practice.

Circling stole her heart so fully when she encountered it that she spent several years building a Circling practice community while working as a high school English teacher in London.

These days she spends a lot of time hanging out with trees and foraging in the forest near her home.

John Thompson

Circling Relationship: Live Practice

Co-founder and Trailblazer of Circling Europe, author of award-winning paper on Integral Tennis. Circling with John and being met by him is a gift for the brave. His magic power comes from seeing—with the power of his sharp blue eyes and the wisdom of intuition—deep into your heart’s most profound and sometimes scariest desires, those places hidden even from yourself. He will be there with you every step of the way with his gentle loving heart, good sense of humor and true compassion.

Thomas Thomison

Power Shift Ecosystem

A seasoned entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience, Tom Thomison is a recognized leader in self-organization methods and practices. In 2007, he co-founded HolacracyOne to further develop and mature Holacracy®, a replacement for conventional management hierarchies. Today Tom is a Founding-Member and Partner at, an organization focused on the creation of necessary structures to further support self-organization and the power shift needed for the new world of work.

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Spiraling through Love and Power

Bringing three decades of entrepreneurial experience and pioneering new ways of organizing, Christiane today is deeply engaged in finding practical applications for human endeavors to serve people and planet equally. As a partner of Evolution at Work and, her work is driven by the intention to support the ongoing universal shift of consciousness through co-creating new ways for enterprises to follow self- organizing principles, thus shifting power from “power over” to “power with”.

Kim Barta

Love: An experiential journey through teal

Kim Barta is an internationally recognized psychotherapist and speaker. He works with the entire spectrum of human development from infants to the elderly and specializes in working with advanced developmental level individuals. Kim conducts workshops internationally on human development and the evolution of consciousness. He focuses on practical, embedded, experiential, embodied exercises that make a real difference in people lives, bringing the mystical to the ordinary for everyday bliss.

Paddy Pampallis

Integral Africa

Paddy has spent her life T work facilitating the growth of consciousness & healing in her person, & with others in the roles as psychologist, coach, teacher, leader& integral facilitator/practitioner. Using a unique adaptation of Wilber’s Integral Theory in her work, she has become a thought leader & recognised as a pioneer in the field of learning, coaching & leadership. She is passionate about integrating the essential beingness of an African way into her embodiment teaching & practice.

Rob Macleod

Babies & Bathwater: Integral School Development

Rob Macleod upgrades the starter pack for life that we give kids in our education system. He does this via podcasting, coaching and working in the classroom. Rob co-hosts the Reinventing Education podcast which explores integral approaches to education. He coaches school leaders to find health at their current express of development and simultaneously grow toward an integral approach. He also teaches applies AQAL to learning English as a second language in the classroom with 5 – 12-year olds.

Martin Ucik

Integral Relationship Dating Game

Moved to California in the 90s, where he trained with Eckhart Tolle and later became an avid student of Ken Wilber’s Integral Philosophy. This allowed him to integrate his relationship experiences into “Integral Relationships” which Wilber calls “terrific”. Martin’s second book, “Sex Purpose Love” allows couples to experience a new form of love through sharing a purpose that makes the world a better place. Wilber calls it “groundbreaking”. Martin lives in Istanbul and teaches worldwide.

Silas Hörler

What’s all that Fuss over Shadow about?

Most people’s personal practice lacks a deep and uncompromising way to deal with their shadow. And that is a real problem considering that the shadow can and will undermine genuine efforts in the rest of that practice. The shadow makes you miss your goals, complicate and terminate your relationships sabotage your health and overall lets you have a bad time.

For years we at Integrales Leben Schweiz have put our focus on an effective shadow work. In this presentation I want to show you what the shadow is, how it works and what that looks like in concrete reality.

Cindy Lou Golin

Shadow Play: Life as Practice

Dr. Cindy Lou Golin, life coach, leadership coach and workshop facilitator, has over 15 years experience in the field of personal growth. She utilizes a playful, light-hearted, yet powerful and practical approach. With an expertise in Shadow Play, she’s created a guide with over 100 shadow practices. She has doctorates in Clinical Psychology and Spiritual Science. She served as faculty at Integral-Institute, JFK University (ILP, Shadow) and is on faculty at Ten Directions (Integral Facilitator).

Mark DeKay

Communicating Solving the Climate Crisis by Design

Mark is a registered architect and Professor of Architecture at the Univ. of Tennessee, author of “Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives,” co-author of “Sun, Wind, and Light: architectural design strategies.” Mark and his wife/editor, Susanne, were trained by Al Gore as a Climate Reality Leaders. They offer lectures internationally on “Solving the Climate Crisis by Design,” along with trans-disciplinary workshops for faculty research teams using the Integral Research Approach.

Zoltán Kerényi-Kiss

Ecstatic Dance – Gathering the Integral Tribe

Founder, organizer, movement facilitator and dj at Ecstatic Dance Budapest, certified Integral Consultant. Passionate practicioner of Contact Improv, 5Rhythms, Ecstatic Dance, Movement Medicine, Biodanza, body-oriented therapy methods and meditation. My mission is to help people explore the liberation and expression of their creative energy through movement, sound and playfulness in order to re-connect their true essence and embrace life fully. My other aim is to catalyze community connections.

Orsolya Hasenfracz, Joran Oppelt, Erzsebet Vizinger

Integral Church

Working with individuals, supporting them in their everyday lives and their everyday problems, supporting them through their stages of grief, and learning to live with childhood traumas.
Her beliefs are that experiencing the reality beyond the five senses in a real community is an essenessential thing that everyone should experience in their lifetimes, which is also one of the many reasons she’s an enthusiastic part of the community of the Integral Church of Hungary.

Joran Oppelt is an international speaker, author, interfaith minister, creativity coach and facilitator. He is the Creative Director at RIDG and founder of Metta Center of St. Petersburg and Integral Church. Joran is the author of Integral Church: A Handbook for New Spiritual Communities and co-author of Order of the Sacred Earth (with Rev. Matthew Fox) and The Creativity Coaching Workbook (with Dr. Eric Maisel). He has spoken around the world about spirituality and the innovation of religion.

Erzsébet Vizinger is a counselor psychologist specialized in the fields of crisis. She is a focus-oriented and client-centered therapist. As a former student, permanent teacher and supervisor of the Integral Academy she teaches psychology and integral theory. She is an integral and focus-oriented group facilitator and manages the events of the Integral Church in Hungary.

Gaia Orion

Embodied Creativity

Gaia Orion is a successful international artist who has dedicated her whole life to creativity. Her unique vision and experience led her to create an innovative approach that allies art and coaching to enrich and transform the culture of organizations. Gaia is a certified creativity coach (CCA) and a certified corporate coach (WABC). In the past 12 years she has lead transformational art workshops internationally.

Carlo Cecchetti

Our Integral Garden during restorative disruptive times

Integral Gardens was intentionally founded at Charles Darwin’s birthplace, Shrewsbury, England. We are a group of gardeners, managers, landscape architects, designers and landscapers who join other integral professionals passionate in creating disruptive Integral Gardens and Parks that support healing and co-creative Journeys. We bring a wealth of experiences, cultures, knowledge, journeys, wounds and healing through our systemic work and Constellation work into our clients’ green spaces.

Eivind F. Skjellum

Rites of Passage: An Evolutionary Imperative

After setting up in 2009, a website where he analyzed movies through an archetypal-integral lens, Eivind unexpectedly found himself a leading voice in the area of men and masculinity.

In 2014, he founded Reclaim your Inner Throne, where he applied innovative methods of powerfully releasing people’s potentials, and watched it become a popular rite of passage for men internationally. He joins us at the IEC Onlineto demonstrate what he’s learned.

… and there are more to come! FULL PRESENTER GALLERY HERE

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