Introducig Thematic Sections at IEC Online



May 27-31, 2020

During the 4 days of IEC Online – starting on 27th May – you’ll be able to participate in (or rewatch) almost 100 workshops, presentations and art shows.

We intend to have as much meaningful exchange, sharing, and learning, along with connectedness and fun, as possible from our homes during the coronavirus times, and create an atmosphere of relaxedness, openness, curiosity, and playfulness in this collective meaning-making.

Before announcing the official program with detailed timeline, let us give you a quick overview of the topics you’ll find at the IEC Online 2020.

Integral Shadow Work

Kim Barta

The Evolution of Shadow Resolution

Every Shadow practice has a healthy place and purpose. And every shadow practice has a shadow side: a way and place that it will cause harm, even when perfectly executed. In this presentation you will learn the 3 broad categories of shadow, the evolutionary trajectory of resolving shadow, and how to apply any given shadow practice at the right time and place to help. You will learn how not to use even your favorite shadow practice where it will cause harm.

Unless we are willing to look at how we might be causing harm, our shadow of our shadow work will continue to blindly hurt others with it. Many people are excited about shadow work. Go one step deeper and discover the shadow of your shadow work. You will become a better practitioner. If you are a client you will be able to see when your practitioner is leading you down the road of the shadow side of shadow work. You will also know when the shadow work is on the right track and you can proceed with confidence.

Cindy Lou Golin

Shadow Play: Life as Practice

Kim Barta, Terri O’Fallon

Harnessing the power of Organizational Shadow

Doshin Nelson

Whole Spectrum of Shadow Integration

The simple definition of individual shadow is the “me” I can’t see, and collective shadow is the “we” we can’t see. These unseen shadows profoundly impact our lives and relationships as they influence our states of mind and the structures of our personalities and sub-cultures. Ken Wilber defines Shadows as addictions and allergies in states and structures and what drives them. In order to see “what drives them,” Integral Zen explores karma, Attachment Theory, Reich’s character structures, chakras, preverbal trauma, shock and developmental trauma, developmental theories, instincts, archetypes, demons, deities, disowned and undeveloped personality structures, collective shadows and state shadows.

All with the intention of Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up and Showing Up as awakened, grownup, healthy human beings who can look from absolute clarity with deep selfless caring at everything arising in our experience. We have found that we need to add something in between the Growing Up and the Cleaning Up. That something we need to add is Fucking Up, because that is how we truly learn. If we have to play it safe, we are not free to make mistakes and learn from them. We are frozen in fear unable to grow, learn and awaken.

Becoming completely still, absolutely silent and realizing the emptiness of self nature is the key to the gateless gate of the pure land where suffering ends and shadows are integrated into a living context. Come experience the whole spectrum of Shadows.

Silas Hörler, Fabienne Kuhn; Nicole Meier; Simon Grossen; Kai Mosebach

Shadow Work in Practice: The Why and the How

Bart De Coninck

Reconstructive, a new dimension

Ildikò Császár Rozsovits

Revealing Golden Shadow Through Body And Sounds

Eivind Skjellum

Principles of Initiation: How facing Death welcomes Life

Global Integral Perspectives

Elizabeth Debold; Thomas Steininger

Awakening a Global Dialogue: A Live Forum

Paddy Pampallis, Elisangela Rassoul, Dumi Sani Magadlela

Integral African Perspectives – path to inclusivity and wisdom

Join 3 vibrant Africans telling their story and engaging you in a deep dialogue of how Africa and the world are wakening up to its deepest gifts after centuries of a dehumanising and dominant western worldview. The shadow lies everywhere: in Africans themselves – through introjection and assimilation and colonisation of minds, and in the west as it releases its sense of superiority. This is an invitation to our own integration as a truly global group of integralists embracing all parts of ourselves as valid and inclusive and holding parts of ourselves that may be buried in our own recesses of our assumed ‘enlightenment’.

Integral Theory

Terri O’Fallon

Developmental Confusions

We all grow up through developmental stages throughout our lives but most of us don’t realize that at each stage we encounter at least one distinctive confusion, and in order to move to the next stage, we have to stare that confusion in the face and untangle it.

This session will take us through the developmental confusions at each stage from birth through the Illumined stage, the latest stage that we have research on. I will be using discussion groups, exercises and meditations to guide us through these perplexing unconscious confusions, threading us through the “eye of the needle” at each stage.

Farsam Shadab

Why Global Tech Movements Need Integral 2.0 Lenses

Integral Crisis Analysis

Terry Patten

Going Sane in a World Gone Mad: The ILP of Now

We’ve grown and practiced for decades to prepare for this moment. And yet it’s beyond any simple understanding & thus seems to outflank all preparation.

How can we “be the change” we want to see when hyper-complexification introduces chaos, stressing our own psychospiritual stability?

Heidi Hörnlein, Jon Freeman, Loraine Laubscher

Looking at the Pandemic through the lens of the Spiral

Integral Psychology

Gellért Raffai

Spiritual experiences in clinical psychology

Psychology as a science initially sought to become more specific. Early psychoanalytic authors started their own schools based on small theoretical differences. However, the development of science leads to integration – the three major psychological schools’ (the psychoanalytic, the humanistic and the cognitive-behavioral) psychotherapeutic contributions and critiques have been integrated into the paradigm of developmental psychopathology (Ranschburg, 1989). This process, as well as the intention of psychology to become similar to natural sciences, resulted in turning away from transpersonal psychology, which feeds on spiritual roots and grew out of the humanistic school (Grof, 2008).

However, spiritual needs and demands are unquestionable, this is confirmed by the fact that the WHO currently assesses health according to the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions (WHO, 1999). Professional healers (physicians, psychologists) often experience that their clients turn to alternative (unfortunately most of the time unqualified and / or harmful) “helpers” to satisfy their spiritual needs, so it is worth considering how could we integrate spirituality into our everyday medical (Saad, 2017) or psychological practice (Bagdy, 2011).

Pascal Strauss, Katrijn Tack

Turning Fear into Power

Jon Skelton Pearson

From Drama to Dharma

In this workshop, I will demonstrate how we construct and reinforce the feelings and beliefs of our shadow.selves in relation to others, by enacting dramas that may last from thirty seconds to thirty years. We will have fun playing Drama Detectives and figuring out how dramas have their roots in the first two fulcrums. I think the most integral shadow-work is fulcrum-discrete and agentic in tone. I want to complement this by adding the communal, relational element.

Vivian Dittmar

The Inner GPS and the Five Disciplines of Thought

Alternative Organizational Work

Hans Andeweg

ECOintention meditation – Connect and Give

Connect with the Balanced Integral Energy Field, bring it down in your room as a comforting tent that connects you with all the people in this conference. Open your heart and fill the tent with your intentions. Feel how this heals the Integral world of action and matter, and how we create a happy future together.

Gabriella Peuker, Olga Kiss, Katalin Gátfalvi

Spirals of connecting to ourselves and others

Leadership and Power Shift

Diana Claire Douglas & Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Spiralling through Love and Power

“The evolutionary drive towards Interdependence counters fragmentation and duality caused by the separation of Love and Power.” What happens when Love and Power are experienced as One? Using Spiral Dynamics as the structure, participants will experience Love, then Power, then LoveandPower through the spiral. How does this Love shift and Power shift inform us individually and collectively in how we take action in the world?

Tom Tomison, Joost Schouten, Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Building Blocks of the PowerShift Economy

 Organizational Development

Stéphane Segatori

We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Businesses

Coming to We-Flow is stepping into a learning field of “access”.
In the field your capacity expands, to call in whatever state or quality that’s needed to enact what is most important for you in the world.

We-Flow is an awareness-based social technology. It has emerged from the collective desire to integrate we-space practice in any professional context. We unfold 3 phases of Landing, Receiving and Making to identify desired outcome, receive from the unlimited field of abundance and turn it all into purposeful action.

The practice has enabled its participants the incredible fusion of human nourishment & efficiency. It is currently used to serve several entrepreneurs, companies, and business cultures. Our collective runs Weekly online sessions, a Stewardship Certification program, trainings every 2 months, with more than 150 professionals already served.

In this workshop you will experience the latest developments of this constantly evolving practice, and get the opportunity to bring your work into the space.

Silvia Hagen, Monika Luger, Szabolcs Emich

To Stay or to Leave

 Integral Leadership

Wanda Krause

A Case Study for Resilient & Adaptive Leadership

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us on a global level and, as such, has pushed leaders to think more earnestly about what kind of leadership becomes essential for any such turbulent time. This growing global awakening may help us recognize we need more effective tools and means to survive in times of adversity and adapt in order to thrive.

We have learned that the epicentre of chaos, with the beginnings of occurring in COVID-19 in China, can shift and that we are all impacted by change no matter the origin or it seemingly localized. Though we continue to experience devastating impacts, the value this virus provides by bringing the world to a halt is in our scramble to find solutions which includes other and more global ways of seeing, being and doing things.

A more global consciousness for leadership can be assisted through looking to regions and people that, being at the epicentre of socio-political turmoil, in addition to other challenges, have a great deal of practice in navigating and overcoming those challenges. 

Marcelo Cardoso

Vertical Learning and Organizations


Jordan Myska Allen

Circling — Surrendered Leadership group experience

This talk is an exploration of the living practice of surrender, drawing from tens of thousands of hours running experiments with thousands of people in the form of Surrendered Leadership Circling, as participants, leaders, and training instructors, facing our darkest shadowy demons, embracing our most radiant all-pervading empty-fullness state changes, asking questions like:

What are we surrendering to? Who does the surrendering? Especially recognizing how we’re all one? How do we ‘teach’ surrender? How do we “surrender” to 5th order interconnectivity without tripping into 3rd order codependency? How do hold the paradox of surrendering and leading? What about when surrender is used to justify green-flatland relativity and the oppression of the “my truth” is unassailable claim? Where are the limits of my responsibility and that of others? What about when I’m the CEO of a company, or leader of a group, or head of a household? What about when I’m just a follower?

John Thompson, Marysia Pstrokońska

Circling — Transformational Intimacy Workshop

Integral Life Practice

John Dupuy; Douglas Prater; Heidi Mitchell

The Grit, Grind, Glory & Grace of Daily Integral Practice

One of the most powerful and persistent ideas to emerge from the Integral movement is Integral Transformative Practice. In this workshop, we will go beyond the idea of ITP and anchor it in our collective experience. What does it take to get started, keep our practice going, and what are the fruits? Specific tools for achieving our goals in each essential line will be discussed and practiced: body, mind, the emotional life, its shadows and its pressing, often hidden gifts; and the spiritual line, in which we come to realize on a stable, ongoing basis who and what we are at the deepest level.

Workshop participants will walk away with new clarity, growing grit, and a palpable sense they are not alone, but riding a wave leading the way to a life that confronts, grapples with, and becomes the answer to the issues that plague us—a life in which we become the instruments of compassion, skillfulness, and creativity that our current Zeitgeist is calling us forth to embody.

Joran Oppelt; Erzsébet Vizinger; Orsolya Szabóné; Katalin Samodai

Integral Church Virtual Circle

 Integral Health

Dr Jan Bonhoeffer

Transforming Medicine Heart by Heart

Let’s resuscitate the heart of healing within healthcare.
At Heart-Based Medicine, medical cure of signs and symptoms can be a stepping stone in a healing process. However, health care providers and patients are currently transforming the medical paradigm by changing inner disposition to enable a shared healing experience, increase patient safety, and improve health outcome.

Heart-Based Medicine ( is a growing global community of professionals and patients increasing professionalism and professional motivation by creating trainings for healthcare practitioners, by conducting research into enabling methods of healing, by adopting and developing tools and technologies, and by building a practice community.

Olli Sovijärvi

An integral and comprehensive approach on biohacking immunity

Lynn Fuentes

The Koan of Illness

Christine Doan; Lan Diep

Hack your Immune System with Transformative Technologies

Integral Spirituality

Chris Alder

The Subtle Art of Practice Design

Once you grasp the significance of the Integral Framework it is inevitable that you start to see the world through a developmental lens. This leads most to engaging in some kind of Integral Life Practice (ILP) or series of inter-related practices that develop capacities in key areas. There are plenty of ‘off the shelf’ practices that will support your development, but how you know what’s truly needed? And how would you go about designing your own Integral informed bespoke practices that can stretch your own edges of development in the most impactful way?

In this workshop, Chris will guide you through the Subtle Art of Practice design from an ICC perspective. You will learn how to identify what you most need to develop and how to design practices crafted for your unique needs in 3 very important lines of development, Somatic, Emotional, and Spiritual. You will leave with your very own ILP and gain glimpses into your own AQAL Constellation™ which will guide your future development.

James Eaton

Finding true safety in uncertain times

Eugene Pustoshkin; Tatyana Parfenova

Integral Meditation for Hyperobject Meta-Awareness

Halla Makarem

Our Relationship to Time: Sacred Rhythm

 We Space Practices

Tom Habib

From Resonance to Coherence a path in pursuit of We-Space

There are poignant moments when viewing a movie when there is a sequence where we feel both joy and sadness. Often times we hide these powerful feelings and turn away from our companion, fearing over-exposure. What if we do not turn away and allow these complex and potent feelings to settle into a resonance to be felt between two or more people? This would be utilizing external resonance to achieve coherence…the path toward We-Space.

In this online workshop, this will be one of the methods we will transmute these feelings into stable pathways. We will co-create the path from resonance to coherence within break-out groups. We will describe the process of “how we did it” in the main room and collect this knowledge for you to later use in your community and in your intimate relationship. This is a highly participatory workshop for folks with sufficient interior awareness who are capable of showing up in moments of transparency and are willing to feel the unitive experience.

Jacqueline Horani

Conscious Contracts: Creating a WE-space in our agreements with others

Integral Relationships

Barbara J. Hunt

Forgiveness Made Easy

Forgiveness is often misunderstood, sorely underused, yet is an essential integral life practice. Scientific studies confirm the multiple stress-reducing, wellbeing-enhancing benefits of forgiveness, but equally fascinating is our resistance to it and our reluctance to practice it.

In this workshop, we’ll explore what forgiveness is, and arguably more importantly, what it isn’t. What are the potential benefits of forgiveness? What are the biggest obstacles in our way and how do we navigate them? Why do we seem to prefer the joys of harbouring our resentment to the freedom of forgiveness? And how can our forgiveness be an act of amnesty for humanity?

You will have the opportunity to engage with some deep shadow work in the form of your resentments, and learn the seven-step Forgiveness Made Easy process.

Kim Barta

Love: An experiential journey through teal

Integral Research

Tom Murray, Geoff Fitch

Is wisdom “the simplicity on the other side of complexity?”

Integralists, developmentalists, spiritualists, and leadership gurus love the idea of “the simplicity on the other side of complexity.” We will draw on an emerging model of “wisdom skills,” “complexity capacity,” and “spiritual clarity” to engage us in reflecting on the nuances of this idea—when is it useful vs. wishful thinking? Tom will present a model that emphasizes the equal importance of learning (increased complexity) and unlearning (releasing complexity)—which draws from the STAGES model. This will orient us to a conversational and embodied dive into the relationship between ascending and descending modes of wisdom and ego maturity.

Susanne Bennett; Mark DeKay

Communicating the Climate Crisis by Design (Acad)

Integral Education

Rob Macleod

Babies & Bathwater: Integral School Development

Different stages of development have informed what schools look like. Let’s sort what is worth keeping and what can be left behind. Rob will introduce you to an integrally informed map that is helping school leaders navigate school development. We’ll clarify how different value systems inform what education looks & feels like across the quadrants and how to skillfully create appropriate next steps towards an integral approach to education.

Anna Storck

Train the Trainer. Integral (of) course

Societal Change

Peter Merry

Volution – beyond linear developmental thinking

Ever since humanity moved from hunter-gatherer and agrarian, neolithic cyclical ways of life and into industrialisation, we have seen ourselves in the context of linear space-time. This linear perspective grew in dominance and brought forth evolution theory. It fuelled our quest for growth and development, not only in the material and economic domains but also in personal development circles, where the notion has taken root of a drive to transcend onwards and upwards beyond the limitations of our material reality.

Current linear ways of understanding the life process in science and cultural studies are inadequate to help us embrace and engage with the ecological and societal interrelationships needed to navigate the complex issues that humanity is currently facing worldwide. The combination of these challenges is forcing humanity to seek out new ways of understanding ourselves, the world, and life itself. Although linear developmental thinking does not accurately reflect the latest findings from the frontiers of science, the predominant world views of our own individual and collective development, even in Integral circles, continue to follow linear ways of thinking.

Volution theory is a way of seeing ourselves, our world and the process of life, that will allow us to be and act in ways that are more aligned with the life process itself, thereby increasing our chances as humanity of playing a constructive, co-creative role with all forms of life that are part of our worlds.

Ian Choo

Nature: The next frontier of financial innovation

Integral Embodiment

Claire Molinard

Unique Self, a new narrative of identity, in a time between stories

In a time between worlds, how do we raise to the invitation of the moment and give birth to “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”? It all depends on how we will answer the question “who are we?” Today’s crisis is calling us to evolve how we respond to that question as a global community.

The old narrative of separation won’t take us home. The Unique Self theory maps 4 distinct stations of self: Separate Self, True Self, Unique self, and evolutionary Unique Self. Through this journey, we realize that the goal of enlightenment is not to dissolve into an impersonal Oneness, but to emerge from it and to individuate as a unique expression of that One. As a Unique Self, each and every one of us has a unique perspective with the world that informs precisely the unique gifts we were born to give.

Our unique gift is the original medicine that the world needs. Unique Self and Evolutionary Unique Self-consciousness emerge as we start bringing these gifts in synergy, as an act of love and service to the world, in Unique Self evolutionary partnerships.

Roberto Reyes

Primal Dance – Awakening the 7 basic capacities

Conscious Ageing

Bettina Wichers

An Integral life practice for conscious ageing

Is it different, an Integral Life Practice for conscious ageing from the “regular” ILP? And what does it mean to live well in a process we call life and that will end with something we call death? How can we live conscious in a process of decline? What are the needs of the individual consciousness in the process of ageing, and can they leed us to becoming more and more aware of a higher consciousness?

In this workshop we will go together through the four quadrants of ageing, through some lines of development which are involved, and some aspects how different types can experience this process. We practice short methods and will share our experiences with that, what the process of ageing can bring with it. We will try to identify our manifest, subtle and causal perspective on ageing, and will get some insights what can be done to live an more and more declining lifetime in an conscious, accepting and hopefully joyful way.

Heidi Hörnlein, Monia Frühwirth, Ann Roberts, Jane Duncan Rogers, Bettina Wichers

Conscious Ageing – an ongoing project

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