Today’s Schedule – 31st May – Closing Day at IEC Online


Schedule for 31st May (Sunday)

During the 4 days of IEC Online, you’ll be able to participate in (or rewatch) almost 100 workshops, presentations and art shows.

We intend to have as much meaningful exchange, sharing, and learning, along with connectedness and fun, as possible from our homes during the coronavirus times, and create an atmosphere of relaxedness, openness, curiosity, and playfulness in this collective meaning-making.

See the schedule of the closing day at IEC Online!


Sayalay Anuttara

Morning group meditation

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM (CEST)

Start your day with a group meditation, open to everyone, from beginners through to advanced practitioners. After the sitting we will have time for Q&A to help refine and deepen our practice, and private sessions for personalised instruction will be offered on request.


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (CEST)



Integral Education

Rob Macleod

Babies & Bathwater: Integral School Development

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)

Different stages of development have informed what schools look like. Let’s sort what is worth keeping and what can be left behind. Rob will introduce you to an integrally informed map that is helping school leaders navigate school development. We’ll clarify how different value systems inform what education looks & feels like across the quadrants and how to skillfully create appropriate next steps towards an integral approach to education.


10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)

Anna Storck

Train the Trainer. Integral (of) course

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)

Based on the Integral Model we launched in 2011 an advanced course called: Trainer the Integral Trainer (TIT™) Program, which we also flipped 2016 to personalise learning to all participants across the world. Our Program allows trainers to continually transform themselves, create multidimensional training curriculums, and participate compassionately with others, supporting the health and dynamism of global systems. With this in mind, the Integral Approach to our Train the Trainer courses requires from our trainers a certain developmental level of consciousness or capacity in several interrelated areas (including cognitive, relational, and ego). In return it helps them to deepen their own journey of self-discovery and unfolding and create their uniquely comprehensive and dynamic trainer approach by expanding their teaching repertoire and learning practices to serve participants of their courses in the best possible way. I would like to introduce this program and give you a free access to one of our online classrooms to taste what it is all about. This is also an invitation for all professionals from the field of education for the best practice exchange session and discussion about potential and limits of integral education. How we can develop alternative pedagogical theories in response to the perceived deficiencies of traditional institutional education, theories of learning, and social knowledge creation modalities, honoring each and yet transcending the limits of both.


Integral Shadow Work

Silas Hörler, Fabienne Kuhn, Nicole Meier, Simon Grossen, Kai Mosebach

Shadow Work in Practice: The Why and the How

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)

They say your shadow can sabotage your practice and in fact your every step. But what does that actually mean? Our experience in uncompromising shadow work is rich with stories to highlight that fact.
Most people’s personal practice lacks a deep and uncompromising way to deal with their shadow. And that is a real problem considering that the shadow can and will undermine genuine efforts in the rest of that practice. The shadow makes you miss your goals, complicates and terminates your relationships, sabotages your health, and overall lets you have a bad time.
For years we at Integrales Leben Schweiz have put our focus on effective shadow work. What we’ve come up with is a unique and effective process to integrate into your practice. Here you will get a taste for it.


10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)

Eivind Skjellum

Principles of Initiation: How facing Death welcomes Life

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)

Since 2014, Eivind and his team have taken men from the whole world on fierce 3-month initiations into the unknown through the Reclaim your Inner Throne program.

Conceptualized as Underworld Journeys, these challenging and liberating experiences have served men across the world with genuine initiations, something few people thought was possible when the program was launched.
Because the training is hosted *online*.
Having spent close to six years hosting men’s initiations online, Eivind is known to have a unique talent for creating immersive online experiences, which mysteriously permeate the lives of participants in powerful ways they don’t quite understand, though nevertheless *feel*.
In this presentation, Eivind will make an attempt to bring a taste of this work to a 90-minute format, which is highly experimental, and therefore fun.
The context for the presentation is that COVID-19 has brought death closer to home, which has given us an unprecedented opportunity to work towards deeper wholeness & integration.
In his presentation, Eivind will start by introducing the principles of initiation, host some open conversations, and then go into breakouts to do some real work intended to facilitate your Wholeness & Integration.
You will shine a light on inner parts that you repress for outdated reasons, and perhaps even take a step towards reclaiming them, a process that can often feel like death and rebirth.
Eivind has never attempted to host a call like this before and is excited to explore this new format with you.


Death and Rebirth

Andrew Venezia

Death and Rebirth after Covid-19

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)

What do I do? Knowing that I am going to die, what do I do? Knowing that our world will end, given the crises of this moment, what do we do? What can we do, even? What can we only do together? In this meditation, we will sit with our mortality and the too-possible-to-be-comfortable collapse of our world as we’ve known it, working with this inquiry alone, and in small breakout groups. If a global, Integral Awakening is happening, if it is even possible, what must we let die for this rebirth to take place? How can we respond to this overwhelming situation, to the amazing opportunity of this life, from a place of presence, awareness, and purpose? Inspired by the Embodied Death Contemplations of Vincent Horn and Stephen Batchelor.


10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)

Viktoria Duda, Hanna Hündorf

Are There Past Lives – and Why Does it Matter?

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)

This is a conversation between two women sharing an interest in past and future lives. Hanna started learning meditation and studying the Buddhist scriptures and commentaries at a young age, applying what she learned in her daily life in a large Buddhist community, and later caring for both her parents until their death. She has also more than 20 years of experience teaching Buddhism and meditation to Westerners and knows the cultural differences and the problems that brings. Viktoria discovered in her hypnotherapy sessions that sometimes her clients remembered things which did not seem to stem from this life. Coming from a rather skeptical academic background, the issue of past lives gave her an intellectual challenge unlike any other. Yet, she found plenty of therapeutic and empiric evidence to show that past lives deserve serious study and she conducts academic research on her findings ever since. Hanna and Viktoria met at IEC 2018 and became good friends and soul sisters soon after. In this conversation they will compare notes and experiences, ask each other deep questions, hold paradoxical truths and try to find new perspectives about this topic that is clouded in mystery and rarely talked about seriously, let alone scientifically.


Integral Practices

Anatoly Balyaev

How Spiral Dynamics helped a giant mining company

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)

It’s a real success story. In the beginning we had a 412 people who hardly know each other and work with not much pleasure. In the end we have a huge community of open people with a strong growing involvement in a realization of passionate goals. It was six months of a very interesting work with each part of their corporate orchestra to find a way to play their common music. Together we were taking care of the health of their alive inner culture – in a big gamification space we were creating and solving conflicts, we were learning how to deal with an aggression and welcome an expression, how to find a solution for a complex issue, how to listen and understand each other. And no one knew about Spiral Dynamics until the last days of this social development so the final truth became a revealing mighty accord in our work. I’ll tell you everything about those amazing six months of my life.


10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)

Marilyn Hamilton

Accelerating the Integral City in VUCA Times

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)

If Integralists nested together in the same city, could we accelerate the emergence of the Integral City? Let’s conduct a little experiment to discern how to amplify our Integral contributions for and with each of the four integral voices of the city: citizens, civil society, business and public institutions. Whatever your Integral work, paid or unpaid, let’s map out how we serve the city and how we view the purpose of the city. We will explore who we need to be to serve the city, the qualities we need to keep and strengthen, or let go. Let’s AQtivate the Integral City, so it serves Gaia and humans well around the planet in our volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times.


12:30 AM – 1:00 PM (CEST)


1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (CEST)


2:30 PM – 4:00 PM (CEST)


Mariana Bozesan

Job Creation through Sustainable Investing Using Human-Centered AI: An Integral Approach

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM (CEST)

The COVID-19 pandemic has vividly demonstrated that humanity is not well prepared to address global grand challenges particularly existential threats. This presentation shows how to restart the economy and ensure employment using an integral approach to sustainable investing in early stage start-ups using human-centered AI. As stimulus packages are being made available, the need for fast-tracked, digitized and scalable investment decisions for implementing the UN SDGs within Planetary Boundaries becomes an obligation. Based on three decades of investment track record and four years of AI application data, this presentation shows how to identify the black swans of integral sustainability and how to significantly improve the de-risking processes through human-centered AI.


Roger Walsh

Contributing Effectively In Times Of Crisis

4:45 PM – 5:00 PM (CEST)

The enormity of human suffering at this time and all times calls us to help. But what really helps in times of crisis? This presentation will offer principles, practices, and meditations to help us find out optimal and integral contributions.


5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (CEST)



Integral Crisis Analysis

Terry Patten

Going Sane in a World Gone Mad: The ILP of Now

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)

How can we “be the change” we want to see — especially amidst crisis, and when hyper-complexification puts us under stress? Terry Patten will guide the “3-1-2” process he’s described in his groundbreaking writings on We-Space.

Even when we try to have conversations that really matter, people have a strong tendency to abstract ourselves into a mental-egoic level, and just talk about things. But it’s possible to participate together on a heart-unity level, to co-create conversations that help each other evolve our very way of being together.

In this session, Terry Patten will begin by offering some insights, observations, confessions, and guidance that set the conditions. Then we’ll go into breakout groups for a series of short deep transformational conversations. There we will practice the intention to listen deeply, and to speak from our souls — to meet others and to be deeply met — right on the edge of our best possibilities.

Terry will periodically offer new guidance as we go, and we’ll complete with a closing conversation in the large room.


7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)

Heidi Hörnlein, Jon Freeman, Loraine Laubscher

Looking at the Pandemic through the lens of the Spiral

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)

Instead of being in person at the conference in Hungary, we will meet online on Zoom. For Loraine Laubscher, this is the welcomed opportunity to participate. She is 90 years old and wouldn’t have been able to travel from South Africa to Hungary.

Loraine has collaborated with Don Beck during apartheid and would like to address the present situation in the world from the perspective of Spiral Dynamics. She will be joined by Jon Freeman, an expert in SD as well.

We will offer a panel discussion about the subject, some breakout sessions and the possibility to ask questions to both of them.


Integral Theory

Farsam Shadab

Why Global Tech Movements Need Integral 2.0 Lenses

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)

The coming decade of technological emergence will carry with it as much ethical impact as it will material offering. No corner of the earth will be able to avoid the coming challenges and questions. Integral theory has been anticipating these realities for more than two decades. Yet little has been done in practical terms to respond to the onset of global technological developments that are in scale, proportion and timeliness. Indeed, integral tends to currently possess more of a reactive stance that a proactive on when it comes to technological transformations. Over the last decade a significant body of integral metatheory has come into being which sets a fantastic stage for understanding developments and augmented reality, extended reality, immersive media, blockchain, brain computer interfacing (BCI) and, in general, the next generation of Internet technologies on the horizon. I will be providing a landscape analysis of what technologies are about to emerge, address them one at a time and put them into an integral perspective on what it means to live amongst these new accidental pressures. What will be the future of human development? Can technology assist us in facilitating hire development or will it necessarily impair this process? Will the materialism that technology and it’s related some cultures tend to produce act as a ceiling on higher human potentials? Is social media ultimately contributing more cultural coherence or is it more to a global an internal chaos?


7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)

Terri o Fallon

Developmental Confusions

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)

We all grow up through developmental stages throughout our lives but most of us don’t realize that at each stage we encounter at least one distinctive confusion, and in order to move to the next stage, we have to stare that confusion in the face and untangle it.
This session will take us through the developmental confusions at each stage from birth through the Illumined stage, the latest stage that we have research on.
I will be using discussion groups, exercises and meditations to guide us through these perplexing unconscious confusions, threading us through the “eye of the needle” at each stage.


Integral Relationships

Barbara J. Hunt

Forgiveness Made Easy

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)

Forgiveness is often misunderstood, sorely underused, yet is an essential integral life practice. Scientific studies confirm the multiple stress-reducing, wellbeing-enhancing benefits of forgiveness, but equally fascinating is our resistance to it and our reluctance to practice it.

In this workshop, we’ll explore what forgiveness is, and arguably more importantly, what it isn’t. What are the potential benefits of forgiveness? What are the biggest obstacles in our way and how do we navigate them? Why do we seem to prefer the joys of harbouring our resentment to the freedom of forgiveness? And how can our forgiveness be an act of amnesty for humanity?

You will have the opportunity to engage with some deep shadow work in the form of your resentments, and learn the seven-step Forgiveness Made Easy process.

You don’t need any particular spiritual belief to be able to forgive and this is not a spiritual bypass approach, either. Using a modified version of Wilber’s 3-2-1 shadow process, as a forgiveness ritual, we fully acknowledge the reality of our past experience and our reaction to it, and through the *superpower* of forgiveness, come to a place of peace with the past.

Bill Gates had a vision of a computer on every desk. I have a vision of forgiveness in every heart. Help forgiveness becomes the new mindfulness… and together, let’s become the (r)evolution of peace.


7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)

Kim Barta

Love: An experiential journey through Teal

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)

This experiential journey of love combines embodied practice with the latest research on love that identifies key changes as we progress along our evolution of consciousness. Understanding our own cosmic address along the evolutionary line of conscious development allows for increasing breadth of love experiences and the next evolutionary challenge and bliss to come. Understanding the cosmic address of others provides the ability to match and deepen our interpersonal love spaces and avoid suffering that occurs when developmental love languages collide or silently miss each other as they pass through the field. Combining depth practices, breadth practices and height practices, this journey promises to be a quick but deep dive into the evolutionary progression of love. Be prepared to touch and be touched (using appropriate boundaries) Come solo or with your own partner if you wish. Bring open minds, comfortable clothes and loving hearts and we will celebrate the joy of love together.


Integral Art

Carlo Cecchetti, Franziska Pretsch

Our Integral Garden during restorative disruptive times

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)

Creating a reflective and highly co-creative vibrational Space, we map and retrieve our clients’ ongoing energies from their systems of origin and from current systems of belonging. We create a Garden Insight by asking the question during the Garden Constellation: “How can we see you in the Garden?”. We then study, integrate and charge the Space-holding garden with the Garden Insights, i.e. in the forms of the Garden Soul as a Fountain with words were written at its base, swing seats for children being seen, white roses for retrieving miscarriages, or we restore evolutionary Creative Tension. We have already noticed plants growth reflecting their owner’s journeys. To date, our two most powerful designs are Unique Organizational Purpose Garden and Land of Origin and Land of Immigration community Parks: people are able to see, tune in, and connect to the ongoing evolutionary energies of their systems of origin and current systems of belonging. Another service we provide is the Integral Garden Song by our lead facilitator and integral artist Franziska Maria Pretsch.


7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)

Stephen Banks

The Power Of Integral Music

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)

Music is a powerful, psychoactive medium for expressing the Integral vision. Ken Wilber has said about Steve’s ground-breaking new Integral choral work: “Steve Banks’s ‘Blue Pearl Oratorio’ is a wonderful, exciting musical composition created as a manifestation of his Integral understanding. It’s a superb, exhilarating, magical piece of music that takes one through any number of different experiential realities, a manifestation of Steve’s own wider and deeper awareness. Sit back and enjoy a rich trip through these effervescent realities in your own case, highly recommended.”

In this 90 minute session, we will listen to six movements (Let Go; Holons; True Names; Sex; Death; Be Still) of the demo recording of Steve’s ‘Blue Pearl’ oratorio which is accessible online (35 minutes – nearly half of the piece; please have good speakers or headphones). Before we listen, Steve will talk briefly introduce each movement, and what makes this music Integral. The music ends in silence and a short period of silent meditation.

Then we will have a group discussion. You can ask Steve questions, or make comments about what you have just heard, and about Integral music in general. You might also want to talk about a piece of music you think is ‘Integral’, or that has inspired you deeply. You can listen to the oratorio anytime online, and read the lyrics and vocal score, at


9:30 PM – 10:00 PM (CEST)


10:00 PM – 11:30 PM (CEST)

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