What happened at IEC Online? Facilitator and Host View

What happened at IEC Online?

Facilitator and Host View

In this issue of the IEC News, we’re telling how two of the hosts felt at IEC Online, how they think the Integral European Conference worked out in the online space. This time, we’re thankful to Chris Alder and Martin Ucik for sharing their experience and valuable insights.

Chris Alder
Tech host, presenter

After attending two in-person IEC’s in the past and being a strong believer in the ethos and vision for the conference I was naturally drawn to volunteer to help facilitate and host the online version this year. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for when I sent that first email, I thought I would host a few calls, meet a few of the presenters, and in a small way help make the event successful.

The level of organisation and depth of thinking that would be involved was all unknown to me then as I humbly stepped in and offered my time to Bence Ganti and the IEC team.

What unfolded was a powerful journey and experience of tremendous dedication, hard work and long hours by an incredible team of volunteers who seem to appear from thin air to make the event the global phenomena that it was.

I have had the chance in the past to work in this kind of team environment, where a dispersed team of Integral informed individuals all come together for a common cause, but never on this scale. What I experienced was the perfect balance between a committed professional attitude and approach to the work married with a strong yet flexible structure and tons of heart, soul and passion, a true Integral experience. 

As we moved closer to the launch of the four and a half day event, you could feel the excitement and the nervous tension as we all stepped into the unknown together, bracing ourselves for the possible chaos that might emerge when the event went live.

After an incredibly moving opening session which set the scene for the whole conference, we all relaxed a little and started to settle into the rhythm and the fast pace of the 17 hours a day of multiple sessions across five zoom rooms. The team continued to stay connected, strong and navigate the few minor issues which arose with humour and with heart as the conference unfolded, and we all started to get swept along by the collective field that was being created.

The end result of all of this hard work and long nights was way more powerful and transformative than we had ever imagined.

The level of participation and dedication from all of the participants from around the whole world was incredible. The collective We space seemed to grow wider and deeper as the conference unfolded, all in a virtual space, how amazing is that.

I remember chatting with Terri O’Fallon before one of her sessions and she reminded me that this was only possible because of the centre of gravity of stages of all of the participants. Within the collective We space we had created there was a high level of subtle and causal state access which transcends time and space. Meaning it didn’t matter that we were meeting virtually, the field that got created was just the same, how incredible is that. It really inspired me and gave me hope for the future potential of humanity when more and more people can meet in this way in the virtual space, imagine what could get created every single day without anyone ever having to leave their own home.

So, the conference was not just another conference to me, it was an experiment in collective intelligence in the virtual space, and I think we can safely say the experiment was a huge success. Can’t wait to see what gets created next…

Written by:
Chris Alder

Chris Alder is passionately dedicated to all forms of human growth and development, personal, professional, and spiritual. He graduated as an Integral Master Coach™ with Integral Coaching Canada (ICC) in 2011 and went on to join the faculty in 2015. He is also an Integral Zen Priest, executive coach, leadership facilitator/trainer, and dedicated father to his 2-year-old girl. His presentation style has been described as enthusiastic, engaging and thought-provoking

Website: www.Integralcoachingcanada.com

Martin Ucik
Host of Integral Singles Events at IEC Online

Being put into a zoom session with over 80 people from around the world who had the courage to say, “Hi, I am an integral single, and I am looking for a partner” gave me an immediate feeling of belonging and safety.

There is often so much stigma and shame around expressing to want a partner for a love relationship and not being able to find or attract someone. Sometimes I feel like a loser, sometimes I feel I should not need or want someone, sometimes I am frustrated that there are so few integral (in my case) women. I am sure everyone brought their own feelings and frustrations to this event and realized, I am not alone, there is hope.

I felt gratitude to Bence Ganti for inviting me to facilitate this event. At first there were only 13 men in the waiting room and I thought, there we go again… and all the sudden, men and women flooded into the room. I was amazed how gender balanced the group became by the second.

After the logistics and my definition of an integral love relationship, between equal and opposite partners who become fully human through ongoing learning, healing, growing, and awakening in all four dimensions of their being (quadrants) at the level of all seven chakras by balancing and harmonising healthy feminine and masculine polarities, and sharing a purpose that creates more goodness, truth, beauty, and functioning in the world we went deep into a relational chakra meditation before putting pairs into breakout rooms for a “mixer” game.

I had done such events live several times, but never online. This may have been the first online integral singles event ever!

In the end, the emails I received were positive and people shared with me who they would like to connect with. We will see where there are mutual matches and I hope I get invited to some weddings and baby showers in due time … who knows?!

All in all, I am inspired to continue to offer such events, and am indebted to Bence Ganti and his great team for having the vision for the conference and the integral singles event and making it all happen.

Hopefully we will all be in great integral relationships come May 2021. And for those of us who are still single and for all new integral singles, we do this in person next year.

Written by:
Martin Ucik

Martin Ucik – Moved to California in the 90s, where he trained with Eckhart Tolle and later became an avid student of Ken Wilber’s Integral Philosophy. This allowed him to integrate his relationship experiences into “Integral Relationships” which Wilber calls “terrific”. Martin’s second book, “Sex Purpose Love” allows couples to experience a new form of love through sharing a purpose that makes the world a better place. Wilber calls it “groundbreaking”. Martin lives in Istanbul and teaches worldwide.

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