Latin American Voices at IEC 2022

We have exciting news! Just a couple of days before IEC 2022, a

Latin American IEC Online Pre Conference
will take place on the 21st of May, 2022, in Spanish
Saturday 16:00 – 19:30 EU / 9:00 – 12:30 Colombia 

Speakers for this half-day pre-conference are:
Roger Walsh, Bence Ganti, Raquel Torrent, Kateryna Yasko and Marco Robledo. 

Around 300 Latin-American integralist from 12 Latin American countires are excpeted the show up and dialogoue around the subject of World Peace to prepare for the main IEC days, 25-29 May as a collaboration between La Vida Integral and IEC. IEC would like to help the Latin American integral community to be better integrated to the global integral scene and will offer Spanish and Portuguese translation during the main conference days.

More info will follow about it, stay tuned!

Latin American Voices at IEC 2022

We are glad to present to you the Latin American presenters at IEC 2022! For the presentations that are in Spanish, English translations will be available. 
Read more about them and their speech!

Gary Villar / Perú
Integral Self-Management: Peace-based Development

Integral self-management is a method of integral development of human potential whose theoretical basis is the integral theory and other contributions such as those of David Hawkins, Gerardo Schmedling and Jeffery Martin; as well as disciplines such as the Enneagram and psychotherapy. Likewise, my therapeutic practice of more than a decade has allowed me to validate details for its maximum functionality.
The method is composed of 5 sequential stages referring to the relative aspect of human experience, and one element referring to the absolute aspect linked to the process called AWAKENING. These 5+1 stages allow the person to go through the pathways of integral development such as Growing, Awakening, Cleansing, Manifesting and Opening; in an efficient and fluid way, adding to this journey elements from human development protocols. This paper is entitled “Peace-Based Development” because the method places a primary value on the state of PEACE and GOD which is accessed through specific practices and included from the beginning and during each phase, in order to provide meaning and background to the relative process of human development.
We will also see the importance of recognizing the unique aspects of the participant as well as aligning their strengths and generating a sufficiently powerful and sustainable momentum that allows the transformation journey to be successfully completed, preventing the various practices from becoming diluted over time.

Gary Villar is an independent researcher in the field of human development and spirituality. Business administrator, Gestalt therapist, life coach and Enneagram instructor with training in Neurosciences, meditation and NLP. After 13 years accompanying integral development processes with individuals, couples and organizations, he designed the Integral Self-Management method based on integral theory and other significant contributions. He is an entrepreneur and he directs the School of Integral Self-Management.

Raúl Aramayo / Bolivia

Culture of Peace and Integral Practice in Colombia
Cultura de Paz y práctica Integral en Colombia

This presentation deals with the application, tools and reflections on a concrete landing experience of the integral theory to the construction of a culture of peace in Colombia. It proposes an AQAL observation on the topic of peacebuilding and shows some of the most successful tools in field practice. It is based on exercises carried out both in the city of La Paz – Bolivia and Catatumbo – Colombia.

Esta ponencia trata sobre la aplicación, herramientas y reflexiones en torno a una experiencia concreta de aterrizaje de la teoría integral a la construcción de cultura paz en Colombia. Propone una observación AQAL sobre el tema de la construcción de paz y muestra algunas de las herramientas mas exitosas en la práctica de terreno. Se basa en ejercicios realizados tanto en la ciudad de La Paz – Bolivia y el Catatumbo – Colombia.


Economist, master in business planning and neuro linguistic programming, IP Therapist, Coach and facilitator of human processes. CEO of La Vida Integral and Pragmagia, founding partner of Centro Integral Colombia. International cooperation advisor in Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico on issues related to dialogue, culture of peace and conflict transformation.

Martha Isabel Parra Vanegas / Colombia –  Keynote Speaker
Peace is built in the family
La paz se construye en familia

What if the conflicts, fights and misunderstandings that we have daily in our homes and relationships had an “obvious” but invisible cause for our current way of looking at the world and understanding peace?

What if this were the main dilemma? A continuous misunderstanding that leads us to perpetuate the problem instead of solving it?

The vast majority of us have been formatted practically from birth to compete, demand, fight and be right. In short, to participate in the world from the limited perspective of “this is right or this is wrong”. This disintegrating form is seen as so natural that very few times do we dare to question it and we take it for granted that “we are separated”.

In this conference/workshop we explore the landing of the comprehensive AQAL theory to parenting and family well-being. With intentional pragmatism I will show the ideas and tools emerging from my own practice and experience.

¿Y si los conflictos, las peleas, malos entendidos y desencuentros que diaramente tenemos en nuestros hogares, y relaciones tuvieran una causa “obvia” pero invisible para nuestra actual manera de mirar el mundo y comprender la paz?.

¿Y si este fuera el principal dilema?, una contínua malintepretación que nos lleva a perpetuar el problema en lugar de resolverlo?.

La gran mayoria de nosotros hemos sido formateados prácticamente desde nuestro nacimiento para competir, exigir, luchar y tener la razón. En resumen  para participar en el mundo desde la limitada mirada de “esto está bien ó esto está mal”.  Esta forma desintegradora es vista tan natural que muy pocas veces nos animamos a cuestionarla y damos por hecho que “estamos separados”.

En esta conferencia/taller exploramos el aterrizaje de la teoria integral AQAL a la crianza y el bien-estar en familia. Con un pragmatismo intencionado mostraré las ideas y herramientas emergente de mi propia práctica y experiencia.


Woman and mother connected with life, passionate about seeing awake families that grow in well-being. She studied social psychology and specialized in creativity, art therapy and bond psychopathology. Isabel is a facilitator of the integral methodology and certified in the method of effective parenting and systemic family therapy. As a therapist, she has been accompanying children, youth and families for more than 10 years to heal and flourish their ties.

Vidal Herly Llerena García / Perú
Upgrade Your AQALWARE and Be the Peace You Want to See

It seems that it is increasingly difficult to live together peacefully, due to the challenge of polarizing events that constantly confront us with each other. Global conflicts such as Covid 19, the war in Ukraine or the cultural struggles that are taking place on social networks, condition us to react from our most primitive impulsiveness: attack, defense or flight.

What to do to meet that challenge? Ken Wilber proposes the evolution of consciousness, because as you advance in it you are more inclusive, respectful and loving. To this end, he provides us with his brilliant maps that illuminate those hidden paths, along with useful tools like his Integral Mindfulness.

In line with this, I want to present, at IEC 2022, a newly created technology called Aqalware Update (AW). With it, we intervene in the underlying structures of the quadrants and levels, to integrate and transcend both those polarizing challenges that prevent us from being the peace that we want to see in the world; as, the evolutionary anchors that delay the evolution of consciousness.
AW is based on the Big Mind method of Zen master Genpo Roshi.

Pareciera que cada vez es más difícil convivir pacíficamente, debido al desafío de eventos polarizantes que nos enfrentan permanentemente unos con otros. Conflictos globales como la Covid 19, la guerra en Ucrania o las luchas culturales que se libran en las redes sociales, nos condicionan a reaccionar desde nuestra impulsividad más primitiva: ataque, defensa o huida.

¿Qué hacer para afrontar ese desafío? Ken Wilber propone la evolución de la conciencia, porque a medida que se avanza en ella se es más inclusivo, respetuoso y amoroso. Para este fin, él nos alcanza sus mapas geniales que iluminan esos recónditos caminos, junto a herramientas útiles como su Mindfulness Integral.

En línea con ello, deseo presentar, en el IEC 2022, una tecnología de reciente creación denominada Actualización de Aqalware (AW). Con ella se interviene en las estructuras subyacentes de los cuadrantes y niveles, para integrar y trascender, tanto aquellos desafíos polarizantes que nos impiden ser la paz que queremos ver en el mundo; como, las anclas evolutivas que retrasan la evolución de la conciencia.
AW está basada en el método Big Mind del maestro zen Genpo Roshi.


Herly is the creator of a technology to develop an integrative awareness called Aqalware Update. He is also a Big Mind facilitator and Zen student with Master Genpo Roshi, USA. Likewise, he is a transpersonal coach certified by Brain Touch of Portugal and the International Association of Coaching – Institutes (ICI), Germany and an international coach certified by the International Coaching Community (ICC), England. He is a lawyer and co-leader of Hispanoamérica Integral.

Diana Murillo Bohórquez / Colombia
Decisions of love in times of war
Decisiones de amor en tiempos de guerra

What decisions are made in times of war to avoid becoming anchored in resentment, suffering and destruction? Colombia, my country of origin, is a country that has lived more than 6 decades in war, it has the paradox of being a country in which various proposals towards peace have been organized. In the midst of conflict, inequality, marginalization and structural violence, a large multi sectoral population has chosen an active and non-violent peaceful path towards peace, sowing visions of peace in different contexts of national daily life. I see this as a manifestation of the omnipresent force of love that favors the unfolding of life in its maximum potential.

I join the seeding of world peace, inviting you to bring seeds of imperfect peace and positive peace into your daily life based on the love that helps evolve.

Initially, I will share an omniscient view of peace decisions that a large part of the Colombian population has made in their daily lives and that has given them the impetus to move forward, opening paths for life and for the evolution of consciousness.

In the practical part I will invite you to explore and make deep decisions of reconciliation in the face of the legacy of war, based on the love that helps you evolve. It will be an opportunity to transcend some of the internal conflicts that emerge with it and manifest in the four quadrants of our experience.

¿Qué decisiones se toman en tiempos de guerra para evitar anclarse en el resentimiento, el sufrimiento y la destrucción? Colombia, mi país de origen, es un país que ha vivido más de 6 décadas en guerra, posee la paradoja de ser un país en el que se han organizado diversas propuestas hacia la paz. En medio del conflicto, la desigualdad, la marginación y la violencia estructural, una gran población multisectorial hemos elegido un camino pacífico activo y no violento hacia la paz sembrando visiones de paz en diferentes contextos de la vida cotidiana nacional. Esto lo veo como una manifestación de la fuerza omnipresente del amor que favorece el despliegue de la vida en su máximo potencial.
Me uno a la siembra de la paz mundial, invitándote a llevar semillas de paz imperfecta y paz positiva a tu vida cotidiana basándote en el amor que ayuda a evolucionar.
Inicialmente, compartiré una mirada omnicuadrante sobre decisiones de paz que una parte amplia de la población colombiana ha tomado en su cotidianidad y que le ha dado impulso para seguir adelante, abriendo caminos para la vida y para la evolución de la consciencia.
En la parte práctica invitaré a explorar y tomar profundas decisiones de reconciliación ante el legado de la guerra, basándote en el amor que ayuda a evolucionar. Será una oportunidad para trascender algunos de los conflictos internos que emergen con ella y se manifiestan en los cuatro cuadrantes de nuestra experiencia.

Therapist, educator, researcher and facilitator of integral human development processes. Her passion is to support and promote the loving flourishing of people and the construction of conscious bonds for a more inclusive and generative world of life.
Psychologist, master’s degree in clinical and family psychology, family constellator and spiritual healer. Co-leader of Hispanoamérica Integral, an entity focused on contributing to the expansion of comprehensive awareness in the Spanish-speaking population.

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