Higher Stages with Integral Awareness at IEC 2022

We are glad to present to you Tom Habib, Barbara J Hunt, Geoff Fitch, Daniela Borschel, Julius Rudolph, Johanne Staiquly, David Vonberg and Alistair Cran. 

Read more to get to know them and the topic of their speech at IEC 2022!

Tom Habib
Highly Sensitive People, WeSpace & Couple Intimacy

We-Space is a rare and advanced form of Collective Intelligence possible among individuals who have sufficient familiarity with their interior available to intermingle with other folk’s state experiences. This familiarity with one’s interior lends itself to be witnessed by another person with the goal of creating a stable clearing thus initiating an invitation for others to enter and stand with them in communion. This becomes especially challenging (although powerfully promising) when an individual is also a Highly Sensitive Person.

How badly does the world need folks who can invoke this level of communion to achieve World Peace? The fully embodied and stable Highly Sensitive Person can have a major impact upon others and a world desperately needing a more fully realized collective identity. In this workshop Dr Habib will share results from his HSP research on the Integral Community and from his clinical practice with HSP individuals and their intimate relationships. He will share stories of HSP’s impacting their community. In breakouts we will practice how best to integrate HSP energy. We will practice The Rules of We Space, such as focused transparency, relaxing contraction, recognizing and feeding resonance, down-regulating UR soma, and participating in co-emergence.

You can privately assess and self-score your own level of HSP here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1em9VKrh-CXpbtq4buMrIbkPGELx8f7aX/view?usp=sharing

Tom Habib, Ph.D. was founder and managing partner in a private group Clinical Psychology practice for 26 years. Tom is an independent researcher and is currently serving as the Chairperson for the IEC’s International Consortium of Integral Scholars. He is actively developing We-space experiences at San Diego Integral and utilizing these findings to help intimate couples’ stage and state development.


Barbara J Hunt
The Way to Global Peace Through Forgiveness

“Peace is my passion. If someone had told me thirty five years ago that the key to peace was inner peace, I would have thought them utopian and unrealistic.

I preferred instead to work on something more practical – which was to focus on strategies for negotiation.

Now I have come to realize that I was the one who was perhaps unrealistic in believing we could arrive at a sustained peace in the world without also doing the necessary work within ourselves.”

William Ury – Peace Negotiator

Whatever other methods and approaches we may choose to move toward a world at peace, our inner work must be at the very heart of our endeavours. Forgiveness is a master spiritual and secular ethics practice. Mostly misunderstood, overlooked and sorely underutilised, yet it has the phenomenal potential to transform our lives across all four quadrants.

When practiced frequently, it helps us to heal and integrate our past trauma and pain, it has corresponding benefits in our physiology, our emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It can transform the quality of our relationships from being an accumulation of grievances, to restoring the flow of appreciation and presence and it can help us to resolve collective trauma. It’s essential to learn how to forgive if we want to co-create a world at peace.

When we forgive, we choose to turn in our weapons and surrender the shield over our own hearts, so our forgiveness becomes an act of amnesty for all humanity.

Barbara J Hunt is a forgiveness specialist, speaker, workshop leader and bestselling author of “Forgiveness Made Easy”. She leads on-line “Forgiveness Field” experiences and is a personal and spiritual development coach in private practice and at bespoke retreats in rural Somerset, UK. Barbara is also an integral musician and singer-songwriter with several CDs out, including her Song for International Peace. She is also a co-founder of Leading Beyond Ego – an evolutionary leadership programme. 


Geoff Fitch
Truthfulness – a transformative practice for peace

We will engage in an exploration of what it is to live truthfully at a time when we are confronted by so many ways to distract ourselves from our deepest and simplest truths. Learn how embracing what is, inwardly and outwardly, leads us to humility, allowing release, opening, and movement. Explore how engaging with a commitment to the truth gives rise to an effortlessness in the face of our most complex challenges. Learn the ways we can avoid intimacy with the truth and discover the body’s intelligence to guide you towards that which liberates our withholding. True peace is only possible when we embrace what is. The workshop includes learning distinctions, reflection, inquiry, dialog, coaching and specific practices we can engage with in life.

Geoff Fitch is a coach, trainer, and facilitator of growth in individuals and organizations, and a creator of international transformative learning programs. He is a founder of Pacific Integral and developer of the Generating Transformative Change program. He has been exploring, researching and developing diverse approaches to cultivating higher human potentials for over 25 years. Geoff holds degrees in Transpersonal Psychology and Computer Science.


Daniela Borschel
Leading Powerfully in Peace

Power attracts and repels at the same time. Power seems to have a strange polarizing force, even for people who call themselves integral. What is behind the term and its synonyms, mere constructs or a conglomerate of individual experience and collective trauma?
Time to trace the terms for us individually, by using constellation and shadow work, connected to individual and/ or collective experiences in leadership as well as spiritual contexts. What lies in the shadows and can come to light, what needs to be embraced, integrated, or brought to another place. What is missing for the unfolding of power for peace?
Through a guided meditation we connect with the deeper and divine power, practice in the differentiation of power of the ego and power of the self, so that peacefully powerful and powerfully peaceful become one in leadership and live.

Daniela Borschel contributes as a business priestess, with a generous heart, clear understanding, and quite a pinch of healing power. She explores leadership and dialogue at the intersection of spirituality and business.
She studied International Management, is Integral Consultant/ Coach, Intercultural Trainer, Constellator and Facilitator. As main circle lead of Integrales Forum, she promotes holistic thinking and integrative action, in the spirit of integral theories by Ken Wilber and others.


Julius Rudolph & Johanne Staiquly & David Vonberg & Alistair Cran
Inner Journey to Infinite Peace Workshop

The purpose of the Infinity Speaks project is to create Inner Journeys that bring Inner Peace. Our transdisciplinary team of five people mixes heart centred integral life practices with Virtual Reality (VR) and Blockchain technology mediums to create embodied experiences. This IEC 2022 workshop is a soft public launch for our project, VR MVP (Minimum Viable Product) app and Cardano Blockchain NFTs planned for the 30th of June this year.

During this one-and-a-half-hour workshop, we will give you a taste of the immersive inner journeys we are creating. The flow of the workshop is to: open sacred space with a Māori blessing, introduce the Infinity Speaks team (or ‘Infiniteam’ as we jokingly call ourselves), guide you through two immersive inner journeys, spend time in breakout rooms processing each of our experiences as small groups of 3-4 people, then sharing in the wider group, connecting together and closing our sacred space.

The meditative inner journeys in this workshop will be guided by our sound and music intuitive, Johanne Staiquly, also known as Lothoniel (www.lothoniel.com). Through Jo’s guidance, you will experience more presence in your body, feel your heart, walk a path to deeper acceptance, gratitude and inner peace.

As a product manager with a background in software engineering and a focus on building transformative tech products to increase general well-being, my fascination is with the mind and the complexity of our psychology. A heartfelt intention to contribute to tackling the mental health crisis by helping people become more mindful, fulfilled, and deeply connected guides my path. At the individual level, this shift of awareness could be the solution to many global systemic problems the world faces.


Johanne is an artist and a soul doula. Passionate about the power of presence and celebration, she creates sacred spaces of deeper reconnection and remembrance. Through singing, music and dance, as Lothoniel (www.lothoniel.com), she expresses her love for harmony and beauty. At InnerTune (www.innertune.space), she creates rituals and guide people through their transformation and rebirth. In that spirit, Johanne takes care of the music, sound and meditation creation at Infinity Speaks.

David lives in Germany with his wife and young baby daughter.
His ’s interests include life force practices, Tai Chi, natural medicine, music, spiritual and developmental practices. A career journey to date of working with technologies to monitor water quality and management of environmental data around the world has given him a deep appreciation of nature and the world around us. Currently, on paternal leave, his role with the Infinity Speaks team is to develop NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

Alistair lived a fairly conventional life, building a family, a career in Information Technology over 30 years and travelling extensively. There was often a deeper sense, at times, of something more and a set of experiences that seemed unexplainable. Since 2014 a storm of growing up, waking up, and cleaning blew through his life so that he shows up now as PeacefAl, writing poetry, coaching, dancing, playing & seeking out the infinite opportunities to create a more heart centred world.

Join us for IEC 2022 online or in-person in Budapest! Tickets for IEC 2022 HYBRID are on sale, visit the ticket shop for more info!

The detailed program of IEC 2022 Hybrid is now available, take a look at the program overview!

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