African Voices at IEC 2022

We are glad to present to you Nobantu Mpotulo, experienced executive coach (MCC) and Mentor, constellation facilitator at the Integral African Conference and Paddy Pampallis, leader of the Integral Africa Institute (IAI); The (IA) Coaching Centre (TCC); The Ubuntu Coaching Foundation, founder and co-director of The Integral Africa Conference (IAC), Rica Viljoen, well-known Human Resource Executive, researcher, sought-after international systems psychodynamic-facilitator and Jungian coach and Ruan Viljoen, professional organisational development practitioner, Jungian coach, Type coach and spiral dynamics expert.

Read more about their presentation at IEC 2022!


Embracing Ubuntu: a Vital Lens to Integral Theory

Creating the space and place for cultivating consciousness and healing is primary to supporting people to see and include multiple perspectives, cultivate wisdom, and integrate dissociated aspects of the unconscious mindsets that serve to separate us. Developmental, iterative, finely graduated and calibrated integral practices and 19-year-old experience over a 15-month program, have served to emerge a major transformational journey. The hero/ines journey, the U process (psychological and Scharmer’s U), deep ancestral awareness, with Ubuntu philosophy, provides a unique integration of west, east and African process. By moving beyond the masculine, rational, linear approach of the west, agency is integrated with its necessary companion of communion to engage, include the feminine to transcendence though being and becoming, as a dynamic process of transformation. Ken Wilber, Susanne Cook Greuter and Omar Aftab have all been witnesses to the impact through hundreds of embodied coaches and leaders from multiple industries, professions, and government departments. This presentation will call on the mystery of storytelling as the key to any deep learning conversation. Shared stories of transformation through the inclusion of African wisdom approaches act as a regenerative bridge between the head and body through the heart. Deeply experienced, Paddy and Nobantu will share their own stories as white and black women finding synergy from a divided past in SA as faculty.

Nobantu Mpotulo / South Africa
Nobantu Mpotulo is an experienced executive coach (MCC) and Mentor. She has an MA in Counselling and worked in HR. Her work with the Enneagram, Mindfulness, Deep democracy, Gestalt and Peace Circles, combined with constellation work and Buddhist practice enables her to take people into very deep spaces. A constellation facilitator at the Integral African Conference, Nobantu is also faculty on the IPC program with IA:TCC bringing her immersion of Ubuntu into practice.
Paddy Pampallis / South Africa
A long-time student and practitioner of integral, and related theories, Paddy (psychologist, coach, business leader, consciousness activist) leads the Integral Africa Institute (IAI); The (IA) Coaching Centre (TCC); The Ubuntu Coaching Foundation. She founded and co-directed The Integral Africa Conference (IAC). She designed the 15-month IPC program with an Integral African approach, utilizing Integral U. Hundreds of coaches, leaders, teams and organisations have had their lives transformed.

Rica Viljoen & Ruan Viljoen
The Spiral Dance of Blue-Yellow for Healing

In the involvement with the debriefing of the impact of the Ukrainian war through a Integral Jungian Coaching lens, an interesting interplay of Blue and Yellow surfaced. Later, we realised that 1) Without Blue, real nationalism is not possible; 2) without Yellow, it is impossible to reframe the current reality into a view that can reframe; 3) that in Yellow, Beige resurface quite conciously; and that 4) in order to make sense of what is happening a frame that acts as psychological velcro is not only important for survival, but also to somehow anchor the horrific experience in a way of coping with trauma that is continuing. A realisation that witnessing the trauma, that can be described as Beige, somehow support the victims of horrors of war, to do body work, to normalise their experience and to bring a sense of belonging. And as one scratches on the surface, and the situation somehow is boundaried/contained, the most amazing Blue surfaces with proud positionality and identity, a remembering of what is right and a deep sadness that the Blue contextual environment that manifest in the outer world as buildings, art such as ballet and opera, and the collective caring of the whole of Ukraine as a SHE, somehow re-author the horror into a story of what collectively can be done to ensure a better future for all Ukrainians. In contrast – the question is asked why humanitarian atrocities in Purple does not attract the same international attention in the same way.

Dr Rica Viljoen is a well-known Human Resource Executive, researcher, sought-after international systems psychodynamic-facilitator and Jungian coach who specialises in inclusivity, multiculturalism and Spiral Dynamics. She is a sought after presenter and facilitator. She authored numerous books with the latest book Spiral Dynamics In Action, with Beck, et al – now translated in 8 languages. Rica is seen as one of the thought leaders and academic scholars of spiral dynamics integral.

Ruan Viljoen is a professional organisational development practitioner, Jungian coach, Type coach and spiral dynamics expert. He specialises in Rogerian, Humanistic and psycho-analytical group process facilitation. With more than 10 years consulting and facilitation experience, Ruan studied with Dr Don Beck, Dr Loraine Laubscher and dr Avi Goren Bar. He is an expert on the Change State Indicator and Psychological Map instruments that describe adaptive intelligence from a spiral dynamics perspective.

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