We are glad to present to you Tom Murray, Bibi Gratzer, Marco Robledo, Peter Merry, Martin Ucik, Raquel Torrent and Raymond Fismer, who will elaborate on important topics with an integral view to them.
Read more about their presentations at IEC 2022!
Tom Murray
Have We Been Looking at Development Upside Down?
Does World Peace require greater or less complexity in human consciousness and systems? In this 90 min workshop we will engage in dialogue and reflective awareness activities around the theme of “what is complexity development good for?” What is the proper coordination of “waking up” vs “waking down” in activism? I will argue that much of our goal for greater complexity is not an end in itself, but rather only necessary to understand and untie the complex knots and shadows our civilizations and personal histories have created—so that we can then deconstruct and release that complexity. We will wonder together about the relationship between learning and unlearning in development, and the roles of ascending vs. descending modes of spiritual growth in a complex world. Through contemplative activities and small group discussions we will inquire into the importance of magical and mythical consciousness.
Bibi Gratzer
A Global Peace Relationship Experiment
I invite as many couples as possible to join a peace intention experiment through comitting themselves to learning how not to fight, and replace defense mechanisms, drama and negativity with appreciation, communication and pleasure. Peace intention experiments have been done before, eg. by Dr. Lynn McTaggert, and have proven that it is possible for a group of people who meditate on a specific intention to influence war zones in a positive way. This talk is an open invitation to learn where and how you could embody more peace in your relationships and will lead you through embodiment practices in each of the 4 AQAL. quadrants.
Marco Robledo
An Evolutionary History of Tourism
Tourism is not detached from all the unceasing changes that take place in the world. These changes lead to adaptive responses that explain transformation at the individual level and evolution at the collective level. They have been studied in a particularly precise way by Developmental Psychology and Integral Theory. This paper will apply to tourism the findings of these fields to propose a model of the Evolution of Tourist Consciousness (ETC). The ETC model proposes a typology of 4 levels of tourist consciousness that shows how tourists and tourism have evolved through four stages: (1) the traditional premodern tourist, (2) the modern hedonistic tourist, (3) the experiential postmodern tourist, and (4) the transformational metamodern tourist. Each typology shows different worldviews, values, priorities, motivations, and behaviour at an individual level and correlates with the sociocultural evolution of the whole industry. A comparative analysis reveals that this evolution is characterized by a progressive increase in consciousness. As consciousness grows, tourists become more awake, they better understand the consequences of their actions thus acting more responsibly, their thinking grows in complexity, their circle of care widens, they are more interested in their personal development and transformation, and they become more profound and spiritual.
Peter Merry
Integral Anarchy
Recently I have been drawn into an inquiry into the possibilities of a stateless society based on voluntaryism as a solution to many of the challenges we are facing in the world today. It is clear to me that the state is not only highly inadequate at responding with the speed and radical innovation needed to solve the scale of crisis that lies before us. I am increasingly coming to believe that the state as a form of social organisation is beyond its sell-by date and is an embodiment of many of the ills that both progressives and conservatives protest so loudly about.
Using the lense of Spiral Dynamics we will explore why the State has ended up like this, and what healing would need to happen in order for a healthy Spiral including a stateless society to emerge.
Martin Ucik
Integral Relationships for a Peaceful World
A peaceful and sustainable future for humanity depends on equal and opposite couples with the same rights and responsibilities who co-create love relationships in all four quadrants. This requires a new understanding of the opposite sex, a shared purpose that creates more goodness, truth, beauty, and functioning in service of others, and a shift from need-based, becoming-based transcendental Love relationships that are co-created at the level of the seven chakras.
Join our workshop for singles and couples. Introspect, practice, experience and share how you can realize your highest human potential through co-creating an Integral Love Relationship in all four quadrants at the level of your seven chakras with an equal and opposite partner who has the same rights and responsibilities by identifying and sharing your biological and transcendental purpose and balancing and harmonizing your healthy feminine and masculine polarities.
– Explore your charge or energy around each of your seven chakras.
– Identify your biological and transcendental purpose.
– Shift from need-based, asymmetrical, transactional love, to inter-becoming-based, symmetrical, transcendental Love.
– Create a practical roadmap to co-creating an Integral Love Relationship in all dimensions of your being that makes the world a better place.
Raquel Torrent
Is Death something foreing for us, humans? Does our arrogance believe that we have overpower it? Do we think that ignoring it, we avoid it? Does fear move it away? Death is engrained in our very cells; in the core of our soul. Death is Life & Life is Death, so why not to invite it to our home in the ulterior act of Acceptance of Reality? Why not make peace with it? If we stop the fight and come to terms with its real nature, we may enter in every room of our inner house with it, getting acquainted and being at peace in its presence. Once in harmony with its companionship, we may flourish in the higher consciousness that we can accept one another’s death with naturalness, recognizing its evolutionary purpose.
Raymond Fismer
Masculinity, War, and Peace
At first glance, war seems to be masculine: Soldiers are typically men, and so are the warlords.
So, is masculinity to blame for all the cruelties of war? Can we reach world peace simply by abandoning patriarchy, or even masculinity altogether?
I think the picture is a bit more complex. I’ve been working on an integral understanding of masculinity for years. And there is definitely more to masculinity than warriorship. I believe a healthy masculine quality has a decisive role to play in building a peaceful world.
I invite you to a deeper exploration of the topic. By applying the tools of the integral AQAL model, we can gain a clearer understanding of masculinity. Next we will turn inwards and include your personal experiences with masculinity, femininity and aggression. And finally, we can come together and employ the power of our collective mind to obtain a deeper understanding of masculinity, war, and peace.
Join us for IEC 2022 online or in-person in Budapest! Tickets for IEC 2022 HYBRID are on sale, visit the ticket shop for more info!
The detailed program of IEC 2022 Hybrid is now available, take a look at the program overview!