Meet our 2023 Keynote Speakers!

Dear IEC Friends,

We are thrilled to present you our keynote speaker lineup for IEC 2023!

In less than 1 month, the Integral European Conference will open its doors for the 7th time.

You are going to see some familiar faces on the stage, as well as our expanding, wide variety of teachers of the integral world. We still have some spots left if you want to presenter. Being a presenter will require you to have a ticket, member account.

Ken Wilber – United States

Founder of the Integral movement, creator of the first truly comprehensive meta-framework. With 20 books, translated in more than 30 languages, he is the most translated academic author of the United States.

Dr. Gabor Maté – Canada

Hungarian-born serial bestselling author, physician, psychonaut, trauma and addiction expert. He is the pioneer of the Compassionate Inquiry therapeutic approach.

Dr. Robert Kegan – United States

Author, Harvard professor of developmental psychology, licensed psychologist and practicing therapist. One of the foremost experts of adult, professional and organisational development.

Marcelo Cardoso – Brazil

CEO of Metaintegral Associates, applying integral theory for businesses. Founder and president of Instituto Integral Brasil, the leading national source of integral consciousness. Marcelo creates experiences where people feel supported and challenged to express their full potential.

Vivian Dittmar – Germany

Author of Your Inner GPS, The Power of Feelings and seven other books, an expert and keynote speaker on the subject of emotional intelligence. She founded the non-profit “Be the Change Foundation”.

Terri O’Fallon – United States

Partner in STAGES International, a researcher and has been teaching for 45 + years. She is a coach, a spiritual director and a designer of transformative containers and programs. Terri does ongoing research on the STAGES developmental model which supports four later levels of development.

Bence Ganti – Hungary

Clinical psychologist, speaker, educator. Founder, organizer of IEC, Integral Academy in Budapest, the leading education for integral therapists. He also developed the Integral Flow method, a pioneering teal group approach.

Diana Del Rocio Murillo – Colombia

Therapist, educator, researcher and facilitator of integral human development processes. Master’s degree in clinical and family psychology, family constellator and spiritual healer. Co-leader of Hispanoamérica Integral, spreading the integral awareness into the Spanish-speaking population.

Raul Armayo – Colombia

Founder of Centro Integral Colombia and Pragmagia (Bolivia), both companies dedicated to the application of AQAL to social processes. He has also developed his own teaching programme on Integral Facilitation.

Dr. Gail Hochachka – Canada

Researcher of climate change, sustainable development and meaning making at British Columbia. She has 20+ years of experience in integrating the understanding, practice of environmental affairs.

Dr. Rica Viljoen – South Africa

Professor at Reading University. She has specialized in Spiral Dynamics, multiculturalism, oral history and storytelling.

Dr. Marco Robledo – Spain

Professor of management, leadership, filmmaking at the University of the Balearics. Award-winning filmmaker, book and comic book author. He researches conscious organizations through an integral lens.

And the list is growing with many more!

Want to join present alongside Ken Wilber, Gabor Mate? 
It’s not too late. We still have some spots left

Join us at Hungary’s go-to vacation destination, Lake Balaton. An opportunity for the global integral community to gather, learn, heal, transform for a week!

We are very much looking forward to meeting you in May, having a beautiful integral experience together. This is where you get to meet leading integralists, participate in live workshops and concerts, come and play, connect, learn, share, and enjoy!

With Love

The IEC Team

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