Schedule for 29th May (Friday)
During the 5 days of IEC Online, you’ll be able to participate in (or rewatch) almost 100 workshops, presentations and art shows.
We intend to have as much meaningful exchange, sharing, and learning, along with connectedness and fun, as possible from our homes during the coronavirus times, and create an atmosphere of relaxedness, openness, curiosity, and playfulness in this collective meaning-making.
See the schedule of the 3rd day at IEC Online!
Sayalay Anuttara
Morning group meditation
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM (CEST)
Start your day with a group meditation, open to everyone, from beginners through to advanced practitioners. After the sitting we will have time for Q&A to help refine and deepen our practice, and private sessions for personalised instruction will be offered on request.
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (CEST)
Global Integral Perspectives
Elizabeth Debold; Thomas Steininger
Awakening a Global Dialogue: A Live Forum
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)
What can voices from the Global South teach us about the potential of a post-pandemic world? How does integralism integrate ways of knowing from diverse cultures? The decline of Western dominance has been underway for decades, and the pandemic has only accelerated the process. In this workshop, spiritual and community leaders from across the globe–Africa, Southasia, Oceania–join us live to speak about their integral visions for a new global future. Each presenter will present themselves, their thoughts on the post-pandemic world, and offer a question to the IEC audience. After these short presentations, we will facilitate an emergent dialogue between the audience and the panelists to explore the potential of a real global integral awakening.
For the past five years, One World in Dialogue has been amplifying the voices of integrally informed spiritual leaders, activists, and changemakers from around the world—with a particular emphasis on the Global South. Created by Dr. Elizabeth Debold, and joined by Dr. Thomas Steininger, One World aspires to expand our understanding of what is integral so that new epistemologies, spiritualities, perspectives, and rationalities can be honored on their own terms, and not just put into a Western model, so that we can create a polyphonic and synergetic whole.
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)
Paddy Pampallis, Elisangela Rassoul, Dumi sani Magadlela
Integral African Perspectives – path to inclusivity and wisdom
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)
Join 3 vibrant Africans telling their story and engaging you in a deep dialogue of how Africa and the world are wakening up to its deepest gifts after centuries of a dehumanising and dominant western worldview. The shadow lies everywhere: in Africans themselves – through introjection and assimilation and colonisation of minds, and in the west as it releases its sense of superiority. This is an invitation to our own integration as a truly global group of integralists embracing all parts of ourselves as valid and inclusive and holding parts of ourselves that may be buried in our own recesses of our assumed ‘enlightenment’.
Integral Psychology
Gellért Raffai, Miriam van Groen, Paulina Alanis
Eliciting and Integrating Peak Experiences – Psychology, Spirituality and Psychedelics
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)
What brings about peak experiences and how can we leverage their integration into our lives for our own and others’ wellbeing and growth? Altered states of consciousness provide an experience of ego dis-identification, a shift in perception, and a witnessing, these elements help facilitate processes of self-development (K. Wilber). In the first part of this (inter)active session, Gellért will take us through the history and current state of transpersonal psychology (Grof) and developmental psychopathology (Ranschburg). Luckily, our human spiritual needs are being recognised by these schools and the world at large. Drawing on literature, various methods, and case studies, Gellért will illustrate how spirituality finds its place in his clinical psychology practice. One way to elicit peak experiences is the ingestion of psychedelics in a safe and supported environment. Paulina and Miriam will share about their respective specialties of ibogaine and psilocybin. Research shows that the entheogens can heal the brain and the psychological self, while potentially also inducing a sense of oneness and interconnectedness. Preparation and integration of such sessions are of great importance for participants to cultivate the perspectives and practices that support state development. You are very welcome to ask questions, participate in the practices and share in break-out groups. We hope to spark (or reinvigorate) your own explorations in these important and interesting dimensions of being and becoming.
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)
Pascal Strauss, Katrijn Tack
Turning Fear into Power
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)
Firewalking quickens the human spirit and allows us to grasp awareness about reality that is very difficult to come by in the other way, in our current social structure.” – Peggy Dylan (sundoor Institute of transpersonal education) Let’s be led by our hearts and share it with the world and the integral community. Just like the Integral approach, firewalking and empowerment brings the ‘whole, all-inclusive knowledge’ that is now awakening on a global scale. Connecting ancient wisdom and traditions with today’s science will help to understand today’s world by understanding ourselves and our role. It will help us to ‘close the gap between knowledge and experience’. The ‘Turning Fear Into Power’ session will ‘replace’ the firewalk session we had planned in Budapest. Our history as human kind is connected to the history of fire. It has a magical attraction deeply rooted in our DNA. We will take this precious moment as time for reflection and clarity. Reflect on yourself, on your deepest desires and fears and use the understanding of nature and its habits to understand our present moment. The symbolism of fire and the tools used in this workshop help in uncertain times to clarify the journey you are on and uncover the potential to create the next steps on our common path. You will light the fire inside of your heart to light the way you are on. Learn-Grow-Lead.
Societal Change
Ian Choo
Nature: The next frontier of financial innovation
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)
Ekofolio, a mission-driven fintech company making Forest assets investable and liquid, built on the latest advances in Blockchain Technology.
Globally, forests are a US$200B institutional industry, mostly invested in by pension funds and family offices. Large tickets, long maturity, illiquidity and technical complexity make such assets inaccessible or inappropriate for 99% of addressable capital in the world. Ekofolio is tapping on the latest advances in Blockchain technology to try to repair this disconnect in capital allocation to a sector that is fundamental to our civilisation.
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)
Peter Merry
Volution – beyond linear developmental thinking
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)
Ever since humanity moved from hunter-gatherer and agrarian, neolithic cyclical ways of life and into industrialisation, we have seen ourselves in the context of linear space-time. This linear perspective grew in dominance and brought forth evolution theory. It fuelled our quest for growth and development, not only in the material and economic domains but also in personal development circles, where the notion has taken root of a drive to transcend onwards and upwards beyond the limitations of our material reality. Current linear ways of understanding the life process in science and cultural studies are inadequate to help us embrace and engage with the ecological and societal interrelationships needed to navigate the complex issues that humanity is currently facing worldwide. The combination of these challenges is forcing humanity to seek out new ways of understanding ourselves, the world, and life itself. Although linear developmental thinking does not accurately reflect the latest findings from the frontiers of science, the predominant world views of our own individual and collective development, even in Integral circles, continue to follow linear ways of thinking. Volution theory is a way of seeing ourselves, our world and the process of life, that will allow us to be and act in ways that are more aligned with the life process itself, thereby increasing our chances as humanity of playing a constructive, co-creative role with all forms of life that are part of our worlds.
Alternative Organizational Work
Marc Wernli
Self-Leadership in Times of Uncertainty
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CEST)
Leadership training is NOT exclusive for leaders. To transform the global crisis, we need the personal commitment from 100.000.000 new leaders all over the world. We are all involved in this. Don’t act like a separate unit. We all are the cause and effect. Take responsibility for your actions. Shine a light in the dark and embrace the unknown with courage, curiosity, and celebration!
In this experimental workshop, we’ll create our personal leadership fingerprint mixing Integral Theory with Acting Systems. But no worries! You will sit comfortable in your room, watch from a safe distance and there aren’t any special leadership skills needed! Bring your curiosity, discover new ways of being, while playing around with other self-proclaimed leaders; and design your unique Self-Leadership role.
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (CEST)
Hans Andeweg
ECOintention meditation – Connect and direct
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CEST)
Connect with the Balanced Integral Energy Field, bring it down in your room as a comforting tent that connects you with all the people in this conference. Open your heart and fill the tent with your intentions. Feel how this heals the Integral world of action and matter, and how we create a happy future together.
12:30 AM – 1:00 PM (CEST)
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (CEST)
It is no secret that many integral singles yearn to be in a love relationship with an equal and opposite partner. Alas, we have very few opportunities to meet compatible 2nd tier people in our day to day lives. And if we do, they are often clients or patients that are off-limits.
So there is no shame in having a secret hope or even open agenda to find/attract a life partner at a conference like IEC.
In fact, I know of several Integral couples who met by chance or fate at such events.
However, flirting or “hitting” on people can be awkward, embarrassing, and even inappropriate, and many of us are introverts who don’t even try.
To help out Cupid a bit to find the right people for his arrows, and to give interested singles a chance to get to know each other in a safe, playful and relaxed way, the IEC team has invited me to facilitate interactive integral singles events on the main days of the conference right after lunch.
In our zoom meeting, we will start with a guided meditation about what we want to co-create with a partner at the level of all seven chakras. This will be followed by paired in-to-me-you-see exercises, and an activity in which the participants will give answers to yes-no dating questions by moving into separate zoom rooms. At the end of each singles event, you will have a good sense of who you would like to get to know better. You can then confidentially share their names with me and we will let you know if there is a mutual interest.
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (CEST)
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM (CEST)
Vivan Dittmar
The Evolution of Feelings
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM (CEST)
The subject of feelings and emotions has long been a blind spot, be it in philosophy, spirituality, or even psychology. However, in the past decades, the rapid advances in neuro-science and AI-research have revealed feelings to be an integral part of human intelligence, inseparable from our cognitive processes.
Vivian Dittmar, renowned expert on emotional intelligence and author of „The Power of Feelings”, presents an evolutionary perspective on the subject. She offers clear distinctions between various phenomena we commonly call feelings and explains why it’s important to discern them. She further highlights the relevance of challenging feelings such as anger, fear, or sadness and reveals how these can evolve from destructive forces to positive, life-affirming powers.
Terry Patten
Going Sane in a World Gone Mad: The ILP of Now
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM (CEST)
How can we “be the change” we want to see — especially amidst crisis, and when hyper-complexification puts us under stress? Terry Patten will guide the “3-1-2” process he’s described in his groundbreaking writings on We-Space.
Even when we try to have conversations that really matter, people have a strong tendency to abstract ourselves into a mental-egoic level, and just talk about things. But it’s possible to participate together on a heart-unity level, to co-create conversations that help each other evolve our very way of being together.
In this session, Terry Patten will begin by offering some insights, observations, confessions, and guidance that set the conditions. Then we’ll go into breakout groups for a series of short deep transformational conversations. There we will practice the intention to listen deeply, and to speak from our souls — to meet others and to be deeply met — right on the edge of our best possibilities.
Terry will periodically offer new guidance as we go, and we’ll complete with a closing conversation in the large room.
Hanzi Freinacht / Daniel Görtz
Metamodernism, the Nordic Secret and the integral community
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM (CEST)
Hanzi Freinacht is the author of “The Listening Society” and “Nordic Ideology”, now writing the commentary on world history, “The 6 Hidden Patterns of History”. The whole series is expected to be six books, covering the economy “Outcompeting Capitalism”, ethics “Fractal Ethics” and law (legal theory), “Against the Law” — all of which attempt to give a metamodern perspective on the topics.
“Metamodern” is another suggested term for “what comes after postmodern”, and it originated in art theory and the humanities. Hanzi represents the Nordic school of metamodernism, which draws closer to integral theory and stage theories of adult development. But Hanzi’s metamodernism does not stop at presenting a theory; it presents a plan-of-action for politically transforming society.
This talk is specifically designed for the integral community and it has three phases:
* Tough love — the opening part, critiquing integral and explaining a bit about the metamodern turn.
* Care and vulnerability — the middle part, relating to the pain of the community, shared by metamodernists and integralists alike.
* A call to fellowship — landing in a path for joint venture and mutual growth from integral and metamodern strands.
5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (CEST)
MAIN HALL Panel Discussion
Jan Artem Henriksson, Thomas Björkman, Daniel Görtz
Dialogue on how transforming society with later stages of adult development show up in Metamoderna, the Nordic Secret and the integral community
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)
Integral Life Practice
John Dupuy; Douglas Prater; Heidi Mitchell
The Grit, Grind, Glory & Grace of Daily Integral Practice
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)
One of the most powerful and persistent ideas to emerge from the Integral movement is Integral Transformative Practice. In this workshop, we will go beyond the idea of ITP and anchor it in our collective experience. What does it take to get started, keep our practice going, and what are the fruits? Specific tools for achieving our goals in each essential line will be discussed and practiced: body, mind, the emotional life, its shadows and its pressing, often hidden gifts; and the spiritual line, in which we come to realize on a stable, ongoing basis who and what we are at the deepest level.
Workshop participants will walk away with new clarity, growing grit, and a palpable sense they are not alone, but riding a wave leading the way to a life that confronts, grapples with, and becomes the answer to the issues that plague us—a life in which we become the instruments of compassion, skillfulness, and creativity that our current Zeitgeist is calling us forth to embody.
7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)
Joran Oppelt; Erzsébet Vizinger; Orsolya Szabóné; Katalin Samodai
Integral Church Virtual Circle
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)
Join the Integral Church team for our Virtual Circle at IEC.
A global gathering for practitioners of Integral Spirituality, Wild Church and Creation Spirituality. Using a framework based on the four paths of CS — via positiva, via negativa, via creativa and via transformativa — our virtual circle is a blend of embodiment, gratitude, silence, ritual, interactive chat, music, video, and meditation.
What to bring: A candle or a stone; curiosity and a willingness to play.
Integral Shadow Work
Kim Barta
The Evolution of Shadow Resolution
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)
Every Shadow practice has a healthy place and purpose. And every shadow practice has a shadow side: a way and place that it will cause harm, even when perfectly executed. In this presentation you will learn the 3 broad categories of shadow, the evolutionary trajectory of resolving shadow, and how to apply any given shadow practice at the right time and place to help. You will learn how not to use even your favorite shadow practice where it will cause harm. Unless we are willing to look at how we might be causing harm, our shadow of our shadow work will continue to blindly hurt others with it. Many people are excited about shadow work. Go one step deeper and discover the shadow of your shadow work. You will become a better practitioner. If you are a client you will be able to see when your practitioner is leading you down the road of the shadow side of shadow work. You will also know when the shadow work is on the right track and you can proceed with confidence.
7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)
Cindy Lou Golin
Shadow Play: Life as Practice
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)
Shadow practice is often referred to as shadow “work,” but what if it was “play?” This workshop offers some new and way fun ways to shine light on those hidden shadow aspects and play with the magic life is offering us. We can enjoy and delight in what we’ve kept in the dark.
We will practice playing with what’s present and leveraging it for maximum developmental value. Whether it’s a frustration, upset, aspiration, the weather, a dream, or a song stuck in your head… It’s all good grist for the shadow mill.
Many of us engage an Integral life practice, but let’s also look at what’s practicing us. What is wanting to emerge as us? What is the message the Universe wants us to receive?
At this workshop, you’ll have an opportunity engage a variety of playful modalities in service to insight and ‘a ha’s, along with an opportunity to translate your shadow awareness into outer action, to make a meaningful difference in your life.
Integral Leadership
Marcelo Cardoso
Vertical Learning and Organizations
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)
We developed the Meta management Model, a map based on different levels of awareness found in an organizational system that aims to expand the mindsets of individuals that comprise it, promote greater maturity and confidence in the ties that promote relations between them in order to then transform the internal culture, giving it a more conscious, protagonist and responsible role in relation to its individual and collective results, considering their impacts on our society and environment. The Meta management Model proposes analyzing the intrinsic characteristics of each organization (AQAL), recognizing its history and the construction of its identity since its creation per the vision of its founders and, based on these idiosyncratic elements, promote prototypes for specific development and engagement plans and actions that update the psychological contract between people in the company and the organizational strategy itself.
Through this dynamic, we intend to shed light on aspects that may be acting invisibly inside systems and, with this new awareness, develop, with organizations and ourselves, an identity that acknowledges its deepest values and, at the same time, is sufficiently fluid to adapt and evolve in face of the different challenges that will undoubtedly be faced in its trajectory through reality.
7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)
Wanda Krause
A Case Study for Resilient & Adaptive Leadership
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us on a global level and, as such, has pushed leaders to think more earnestly about what kind of leadership becomes essential for any such turbulent time. This growing global awakening may help us recognize we need more effective tools and means to survive in times of adversity and adapt in order to thrive. We have learned that the epicentre of chaos, with the beginnings of occurring in COVID-19 in China, can shift and that we are all impacted by change no matter the origin or it seemingly localized. Though we continue to experience devastating impacts, the value this virus provides by bringing the world to a halt is in our scramble to find solutions which includes other and more global ways of seeing, being and doing things. A more global consciousness for leadership can be assisted through looking to regions and people that, being at the epicentre of socio-political turmoil, in addition to other challenges, have a great deal of practice in navigating and overcoming those challenges. Many regions outside the West have many lessons to offer in helping us understand how to move beyond a blueprint for the action of an outer orientation, in particular, to value and strengthen inner dimensions of leadership. This presentation offers a case study on women I have studied in the Middle East over some decades who aptly demonstrate the very leadership capacities needed through their collective struggle and with resiliency and adaptability at the core of their being and seeing, necessary to address the complexities of our collective challenge and for turbulent times ahead.
Integral Intuitive Work
Marek Vich
Relational mindfulness online
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (CEST)
The workshop will give a taste of Relational Mindfulness Training (RMT), an evidence-based program that I have co-created and validated at the University of Economics in Prague. We will develop mindful awareness during online group interaction. We will also explore the domains of me-space and we-space as well as feelings, attitudes, needs and bodily states that emerge during the process. The workshop will be also an opportunity to share our feeling regarding the current global situation.
7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (CEST)
Hans Andeweg
ECOintention meditation – Connect and receive
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (CEST)
Connect with the Balanced Integral Energy Field, bring it down in your room as a comforting tent that connects you with all the people in this conference. Receive healing from the Field, see your path into the future, follow your heart, trust the power of your intention, and make your dream come true.
9:30 PM – 10:00 PM (CEST)
with Zoltán Kerényi-Kiss
10:00 PM – 11:30 PM (CEST)
Ecstatic Dance is a unique dance experience, provides safe, inclusive, and open space for people from
all walks of life to explore the freedom of mind, body, and spirit through self-expression in movement within
an accepting creative community. Our alcohol and drug-free, chatter-free, critique-free, and shoe-free
events are integrated platforms of sacred rituals in a modern-day setting. The concept was born in
2000, over the past 19 years, touched thousands of hearts and bodies all around the world.
We start with opening circle, continued by a guided movement meditation, that evolves into freeform
dance. We close the event with a relaxing sound bath.
10:00 PM – 00:00 AM (CEST)