Ibiza I.
May 30, Friday
11:30 – 13:30
Budapest (CEST)

Systemic Development

IEC Conference: 2025

Why coaching / leadership training in organisations does not work! Unless it is systemic and the CEO leads the OD vision. I would like to share how after coaching and training many executives I realised that the good work I was doing was not systemic and sustainable. In 2016 I my a huge business decision that I would not accept contracts unless the CEO did the program first. I went from 50 clients to 5. I would like to share this story and provide the Systemic Development framework which incorporates the integral AQAL/ vertical development / Enneagram and NLP. It includes 28 steps which are a mix of executive coaching/ NLP training/ Systemic Team Coaching and Consulting in a structured yet flexible systemic framework. How and why I use these 4 methodologies into an integrative process. I also have 9 Models which integrate the development into practical applications. It is a journey which can take 3-4 years. My longest standing client in on their 7th year. This process is lead by the CEO and owned by the HR/OD Executive. Here are some quotes which we use:

1. Every business problem is a leadership problem waiting to be solved
2. Culture is nothing more and nothing less than how leaders treat each other.

I also present the 7 leadership Deceptions and the 7 Leadership conversations that practically solve any problem.

Video of me sharing an explanation of the Systemic Development Framework:


Google Folder with a Document showing the 10 Models we use with clients.


Video recording of an HR Consciousness Movement meetings




Podcast with 5 CEO’s about how they inspire personal development in organisations, all use the Systemic Development framework.

CEO FijiAirways



PwC Mauritius Country Partner





South Africa / Fiji

Sandra is the Founder of New Beginnings, an organizational & people development consultancy and training institute. New Beginnings was created in South Africa in 2003. It has developed many unique leadership development and coaching programs that help leaders inspire their people, become passion about their jobs, develop themselves systemically and make meaningful changes.
She developed the ‘Systemic Development Framework’, a highly effective process to implement a strategic focus towards organisational development. It focuses on executives and leadership teams who understand the importance of continuously developing themselves to navigate this volatile and uncertain world of today. This mindset cultivates a desire for collective leadership and a focus on value creation and future-fit purpose.

Although she has been in the people development business for over 22yrs, she wasn’t always on this side of the fence. She has leadership experience in the airline industry. As the head of South African Airways Sales and Voyager operations in 2000, she was responsible for the regional sales teams and an annual revenue target of over ZAR 6 Billion. She joined Cullinan Holdings, a Travel and Tourism Company with brands such as Thompson Holidays, Contiki, etc. She headed Human Resources and Training division. She renamed the ‘HR department’ to People Relations and ‘Training’ to People Development. She set up an entire HR function as well as developed and created an in-house THETA Accredited Training Academy. This gives a good indication to all the many dynamic changes she implemented. She resigned in 2009 to start her own business. In 2016 she developed the ‘Systemic Development’ framework, the model she uses to date, to transform teams and organisations.

She is a Certified ISNS Neuro-Semantics Trainer and Meta-Coach and a EMCC Systemic Team Coach. She was the Pioneer, building a Meta-Coaching community in Mauritius. She trained over 600 people and certified over 45 Meta-Coaches. Today this community is thriving and flourishing on their own and have grown to over 60.

In 2016, her family relocated to Fiji and this move encouraged New Beginnings to go global. The head office remains in Mauritius supported by her team, but has expanded to a collaborative network of over 20 International Coaches. She now considers herself as a global citizen.