A Journey of Sound through the Stages

Imagine a global integral community of hundreds of people resonating together as they take an embodied journey through the stages of development, uniting live music, movement, meditation, dance, and art—going from our earliest expressions of human consciousness all the way to universal oneness. The first version of this event happened during an online edition of […]

Spiral Dynamics View on War, Politics, and Ecology

There is an unnerving new order emerging beneath the global chaos. As unlikely as it seems, there is also a unifying common thread behind it all: The decline of Western liberal democracies, the new direction in which the Middle East is moving and the exponential growth in climate related disasters. In his keynote, Said will […]

Wholeness in politics – surfing the polarities

The world is craving for re-connection and healing in all areas. As we approach the climax of late modern consciousness, the collateral damages that this structure of consciousness has – and is bringing about every day – become ever more clearly visible. We see division all around us, in all areas, across the globe. It […]

Fractals of Change

We are experiencing a paradigm crisis that is having profound impacts on people and nature.  What is often referred to as a polycrisis, a megacrisis, a metacrisis, or a permacrisis leaves little room for a sense of individual and collective agency. To respond to a paradigm crisis, we need to be open to different ways […]

Changing education

In order to build a sustainable world in togetherness, there is a fundamental urgency required to change the education system as it stands now. Learn from Jamila Tressel, former student of a progressive school in Berlin, how schools can be transformed into places of intrinsic and joyful learning, self-organized and project-based, connected to real-life challenges, allowing students […]

What’s problematic with Grand Integral Theories?

Can grand Western theories of human, social and cultural development such as AQAL and SD become ossified (frozen)? A view from the observation deck: Much is powerful and illuminating in these theories. Yet they are no longer open to new data and alternative perspectives. They have become so widely distributed, they are now set in […]

Integral’s Charismatic Presence: Intersubjectivity

Intersubjectivity is the subtle, tangible connection that arises between two or more individuals, emerging from their shared awareness of the underlying energetic field. For those new to Integral Theory, this experience provides an accessible and impactful entry point—offering a memorable introduction while temporarily setting aside the complexities of meta-theory. Experienced clinicians skillfully harness this energetic […]

The Miracle of WE: Integral Facilitation of Dialogue Processes in Latin America

In an interconnected world filled with complexities, The Miracle of WE emerges as a transformative conference that explores how Integral Facilitation can revolutionize the way we design and lead dialogue and consensus-building processes as the foundation for pluralistic coexistence. Latin America, with its history of resilience and creativity in the face of adversity, serves as […]

Inner Development Goals – Challenges and Opportunities Through an Integral Lens

The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) initiative represents a transformative framework grounded in the understanding that meaningful outer change requires a corresponding evolution of inner capacities. Drawing on the Integral AQAL (All Quadrants, All Levels) model, this presentation explores the IDGs as a holistic response to the meta-crises facing humanity, highlighting the challenges and opportunities inherent […]

The Transformation Economy

The integral movement has extensively explored the internal dynamics of Teal organizations, but little attention has been given to their impact on consumers, products, and services. This presentation demonstrates that the emerging Transformation Economy represents a lower-right quadrant expression directly arising from Teal consciousness. The Transformation Economy marks a new phase in economic evolution, focusing […]

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