A Journey of Sound through the Stages

IEC Conference: 2025

Imagine a global integral community of hundreds of people resonating together as they take an embodied journey through the stages of development, uniting live music, movement, meditation, dance, and art—going from our earliest expressions of human consciousness all the way to universal oneness. The first version of this event happened during an online edition of IEC, and many participants described it as an incredibly impactful event. Imagine what it would be like in person. Don’t miss it!

JIMENEZ, Santiago


Santiago Santai Jimenez is an ordained Zen monk authorized to teach by his lineage. He is also an industrial engineer, a multi-instrumentalist and music producer, a certified Big Mind / Big Heart process facilitator, and a certified STAGES coach and debriefer. He is the current CEO of the Integral Center Colombia, one of the pioneering integral institutions in Latin America, and was the director of the first Latin American Integral Conference. Santiago integrates both gradual and sudden approaches to awakening, combining systematic mind development in some Buddhist traditions with the immediate realization characteristic of Zen. As a facilitator, he has worked across countries with individuals and groups, from indigenous tribes to multinational executives. His latest musical project, “A Journey of Sound through the Stages,” merges music, development, and awakening, and will be showcased at the 2025 Integral European Conference.