The Future, AI and Consciousness

Only the future will show how humanity will make the transformation to sustainable global civilizations possible, rooted in a mindset of later stages of consciousness, which is the premise for the great transition. In this presentation, I show why current AIs are operating mostly from ego-centric or ethnocentric levels of consciousness and argue why AI […]

The joy of the shared journey while in therapy

I invite you to explore a way to set your consciousness to help with depth and celebration! The relational space is an important testing ground for our evolution of consciousness, and self-help relationships, such as therapy, are an opportunity to promote it. In a meeting of this style, one of the participants asks that his […]

Finding one’s own soul-centric climate action

Facing the climate crisis—intermeshed as it is with complex social, political and economic crises—can leave a person feeling incredibly small and ineffective in creating positive change. Such a large collective challenge like climate change—vast, complex, heavy, and reproduced by the systems in which we live—can feel simply overwhelming. Global warming can provoke feelings of with […]

Integral Journalism

Quality journalism enables millions of people to get an idea of ​​the world and thus enables our democratic society. Sadly, our current — mostly orange — journalism has many harmful side effects, such as narrow-mindedness, negative focus, fearmongering, and cynicism. All of this makes people mentally and physically ill, normalizes an unhelpful discourse culture and […]

Awakening to Unity in a Fragmented World

Experiencing ourselves as an expression of life rather than a separate entity changes everything. Yet after the initial buzz wears off or just becomes normal, we become aware of the debris scattered in our inner landscape, our relationships and across the planet. We realise that the spiritual reality of unity is not enough to dispel […]

Welcome to the 3D World of Integral Business

Are you tired of the one-dimensional, black-and-white world of traditional management where only profit matters and everything else is ancillary? Do you want to discover a much more complex and richly-coloured approach to managing organizations? 3D-Management, a pioneer application of Integral Theory to organizations, denies the absolutist imperialism of profit and replaces it with a […]

The Evolution of Planetary Awakening

Planetary views began seeding our developmental perspectives since the 1960’s and have continued to evolve. The screenplay of the post-modern integral version of the planetary awakening is being written right now, as we socially construct each other here, in this field. But what does “planetary awakening” mean in an integral world? This talk will suggest […]

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