Integrating Self, Shadow & System at Synergist

The proportion of executive leaders at Synergist (Strategist/Transforming) seems to have stalled at <10% for almost 3 decades. Yet this level of leadership capacity or consciousness is essential to transcend VUCA and transform our business ecosystems to create a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable world. We also understand that embodied leadership capacity at Synergist is […]

7Ps of Conscious Business: an Integral Framework

As global challenges become increasingly complex, traditional Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) based on People, Planet, and Profit is proving insufficient to create meaningful and lasting change. A new paradigm—Conscious Business—offers a more comprehensive and transformative approach that integrates ethical leadership, stakeholder well-being, and sustainable progress. Thought leaders such as Fred Kofman, Frédéric Laloux, Isaac Getz, […]

Job Crafting – make your job better

Event 2: Job Crafting – make your work integral In this session, I introduce my book “job Crafting” and start with a definition about job crafting and its advantages and disadvantages from both the scientific but also business point of view. We then explore job crafting from an integral lense and how jobs can be […]

The Design of Human Organisations

We like to give an introduction to our recent research about humanness in organisation. The results will be published in the book: “The Human Organisation” in spring 2023. – Introduction to my book “The design of human organisations” – Overview of the four industrialisations to understand where we come from, where we are and where […]

Meeting of Consortium of Integral Scholars

Members of the International Consortium of Integral Scholars will meet to discuss research projects they are currently working on and various general topics of interest.

An Integral Sustainable Development Case Study

The island of Príncipe, situated off the west coast of Africa, is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve with extensive areas of relatively pristine tropical rainforest hosting a rich biodiversity with significant endemism. The island’s population of about 10,000 people depend heavily on the island’s natural resources for their livelihoods. The Faya Foundation is devising a […]

Beyond Patchworks and Network States

Beyond Patchworks and Network States: Toward Wisdom-Centered Governance As traditional governance structures struggle to keep pace with accelerating complexity, new models are emerging—some rooted in participatory deliberation and integral governance, others leaning toward elite technocratic control or radical decentralization. This presentation will contrast these competing visions by examining Nebulocracy and moral graph technology, not as […]

Algorithmic Undertow and Crises in Governance

As we experience waves of unprecedented technological and political upheaval, our ability to maintain a coherent, functioning society is being eroded by algorithmically mediated digital fragmentation. This presentation explores how AI-driven media ecosystems, designed to maximize engagement rather than coherence, have led to a disintegration of shared reality, making institutions more vulnerable to both accidental […]

3 meaning-making capacities to grow consciousness

As human beings, we make meaning of what is happening to us as it is part of our human nature. Meaning-making refers to our personal way of interpreting situations, based on our prior experience, values and beliefs. Our personal meaning-making system shapes our capacity to embrace the world in its complexity, leading us to prioritize […]

Quadrant Interactions

This presentation explores an interaction model, integrating multiple methodological approaches within Ken Wilber’s 4 Quadrant framework increasing its compatibility with the postmodern academic world. Drawing from my dissertation in Religious Studies, I argue for a non-reductionist, interdisciplinary approach that considers subjective experience, cultural narratives, somatic embodiment, and social structures and the varoius interactions between them. […]

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