Circling + Integral Zen: Live Practice

Circling is known as a powerful tool for state changes and shadow work—two of Integral Zen Master Doshin’s specialties. Sean Wilkinson will Circle Doshin’s personality, his awareness, and everything in between… and as a result invite a deep inquiry into the nature of our own being as individuals and as… well, nothing. Who’s there? From […]

The Nordic Secret: A Deliberately Dev. Society

The Nordic countries managed the transition from pre-modern to modern societies better than any other societies. This was to a large extent due to the focus on large scale inner development programs implemented 100-150 years ago. The aim was to create “Deliberately Developmental Societies”. The models of consciousness development used 100 yeas ago were strikingly […]

Awakening a Global Dialogue: A Live Forum

For the past four years, One World in Dialogue has been amplifying the voices of integrally informed spiritual leaders, activists, and changemakers from around the world—with a particular emphasis on the Global South. Created by Dr. Elizabeth Debold, and joined by Dr. Thomas Steininger, One World aspires to expand our understanding of what is integral […]

Babies & Bathwater: Integral School Development

To start reinventing education it is helpful to notice how different stages of development have informed what education looks like. Then we sort what can be left behind and what is worth keeping as a foundation to build off of. Rob will share a map that is helping school leaders discern what to keep and […]

Mindful Leadership Key-Note

Something has brought you here. You are already on the spiritual path, but you know there is so much more love, creativity, and abundance waiting on the other side of your fears. You have been playing small long enough. It’s time to rise up and activate the energy of leadership within you. Our online cacao […]

Rediscover your Love for Nature through Eco-Games

The World is changing, Climate Change is a real threat and we need to do something about it as soon as possible. In my opinion, the first step to awake people is to let them realise how amazing and beautiful Nature is. If everyone falls in love with our Planet, the urge to regenerate and […]

Applied Shadow Work – Diaries of the Shadow Buster

Leading a shadow group can be very scary, very frustrating, very viscous and exhausting but also full of flow, love and even funny, despite the topics mostly being dark, tough and touching. What are the personal preconditions for a group leader, what are common pitfalls and what are good structures put in place? The presenter […]

myOS Brain Computer Interface for Meditation

Presentation and group demo of the myOS Brain Computer Interface for Progressive States of Consciousness. This presentation is a 10 min talk and 10 min artistic experience of the myOS neurofeedback meditation paradigm for one or more volunteers as well as for the entire audience. myOS is using measures of brain-activity (multi-channel EEG) and data-visulaizations […]

Refugee Panel

The psychiatric part of the panel is going to analyse the elaboration of different psychological and psychiatric services offered by the Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims. These thechniques are tailored by the needs of this multicultural and multiply traumatised group of patients. The presentation is going to demonstrate the special environmental challenges.

The Green vMeme as a Cocoon for Transformation

In Spiral Dynamics™, and in Ken Wilber’s adaptation, the Green stage is often viewed in negative terms. This presentation will place Green into perspective as a transformational stage of development. As the highest stage in the first tier of stages, Green represents a launching pad through what Clare Graves called “a momentous leap . . […]

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