All Sunday Presenters – Elevator Pitches

During this main stage event, all presenters of the thematic section presentations and afternoon workshops come up on stage to present themselves and their topic in a 30 second “elevator pitch” message. So this is a good recording to watch to get an overview of the audio recordings, and also to get a very general […]

All Saturday Presenters – Elevator Pitches

During this main stage event, all presenters of the thematic section presentations and afternoon workshops come up on stage to present themselves and their topic in a 30 second “elevator pitch” message. So this is a good recording to watch to get an overview of the audio recordings, and also to get a very general […]

All Friday Presenters – Elevator Pitches

During this main stage event, all presenters of the thematic section presentations and afternoon workshops come up on stage to present themselves and their topic in a 30 second “elevator pitch” message. So this is a good recording to watch to get an overview of the audio recordings, and also to get a very general […]

All Thursday Presenters – Elevator Pitches

During this main stage event, all presenters of the thematic section presentations and afternoon workshops come up on stage to present themselves and their topic in a 30 second “elevator pitch” message. So this is a good recording to watch to get an overview of the audio recordings, and also to get a very general […]

It’s All One: Awakening to Reality, Within and Without (Workshop)

Although modern psychology and medicine concern themselves mostly with individual suffering and healing, in realty our development and health or illness depend on the multiple interconnections between the person and her/his/their environment. If there is such a thing that Planetary Awakening, where there is a consciousness shift for the whole planet, joining humans with their world, it […]

The Future, AI and Consciousness Q&A

Only the future will show how humanity will make the transformation to sustainable global civilizations possible, rooted in a mindset of later stages of consciousness, which is the premise for the great transition. In this presentation, I show why current AIs are operating mostly from ego-centric or ethnocentric levels of consciousness and argue why AI […]

Turquoise-like Life & Business Families-Communities

Authentic human live-business  Relationships in  of the near Future… what could it be about? Could you ever image that you have the space on the earth  where you are very comfortable, deeply truly excepted  and effectively supported, sponsored and at the same time, feel you’re  going  in your own way realizing your deep, true Self? […]

Integral Cinema Movie Night – The Secret of Carlos Castaneda

This movie tells the story of knowledge and practices about gaining freedom, revealing creative abilities and accelerating development, which have been obtained throughout the history of mankind. trailer: