For the past four years, One World in Dialogue has been amplifying the voices of integrally informed spiritual leaders, activists, and changemakers from around the world—with a particular emphasis on the Global South. Created by Dr. Elizabeth Debold, and joined by Dr. Thomas Steininger, One World aspires to expand our understanding of what is integral so that new epistemologies, spiritualities, perspectives, and rationalities can be honored on their own terms, and not just put into a Western model, so that we can create a polyphonic and synergetic whole. For IEC 2020, we propose to offer a unique keynote that would be a live Zoom webcast panel discussion about the various contributions to consciousness and culture that these global integralists can offer. While inviting these individuals to the conference directly would be ideal, most of them would not have the resources to come to Hungary. Instead, we can bring them front and center into the IEC conference through videoconferencing. The following are some of the people in the One World network who might take part in the keynote:•Pi Villarazza, Philippines•Aunkh Chabalala, from the Buntu people, South Africa•Ruth Langford, Tasmania•Alnoor Ladha, in Costa RicaEach person would present themselves, their thoughts on what global integral means to them, and offer a question to the IEC audience. After these introductions, we would facilitate a conversation between the audience and the global panelists.