May 28, Sunday
11:30 – 13:30
Budapest (CEST)

How Victim Roles Affect Your Life

IEC Conference: 2023

Victim roles are patterns of subconscious programming that sabotage our sovereignty and freedom and keep us locked in a fear-based, scarcity, 1st Tier consciousness. There are 3 victim roles the majority of humans play: victim, savior, and villain. This presentation will experientially lead you through all three roles with an emphasis on a moment where a victim turns into a villain, a villain into a savior, and a victim. You’ll learn the rules in a victim game, why people become evil, and how can you recognize which role you are currently playing. In addition, you’ll experience a quick trigger-release clearing process so you feel after the presentation lighter & energized.



Tena Cacic is a doctor of communication, music&language teacher, an independent scientist&researcher in the field of vibrational communication. Life path challenged her to practically learn to recognize, detect, clear and/or add a wide range of vibrational frequencies to her own energy field and the fields of others. She successfully managed to reinvent her life from extreme stress and disharmonious relationships to the level of peace, joy and harmonious outcomes in every aspect of her life.