May 27, Saturday
11:30 – 13:30
Budapest (CEST)

Integrating Slow – the door of transitions

IEC Conference: 2023

The spirit moves on the ladder. We move quickly in the world from one state to another, from role to role. The world demands fast, quick, or at least dynamic actions, and thoughts; feelings also seem to come and go at the speed of light.

In my personal and professional experience, we live deeper in life’s transitions than we live on a certain level. Nothing is constant but change. How can we spot the spirit moving? How can we experience light? We need to slow down. We need to settle into our slow self and integrate this slowness into daily life.

In my presentation, I am offering the experience to find this slowness by realizing how “slowing down” happens in the transitions of our life. By experience we become aware and we can invite this state of ourselves whenever we are in need of it.

FEZLER, Georgina


I am currently a student of Integral Academy, and an entrepreneur working as an artist, trainer, and ontological coach. For my past 10 years in coaching and consulting, I have worked with several people of different ages, gender, sexual orientation, and who lived their life at different paces. I have always focused on what life experiences shape our character, and how learning by doing can change the direction of a life. I have a bachelor’s degree in economics, I have also been working internationally in social media as a strategist. Being a coach and a strategist has a lot in common. We look at ourselves and our environment and try to navigate from A to B. I dedicate my personal and professional life to discovering, and integrating my slow self and invite to this adventure as many people as interested. My method focuses on the areas of mindfulness, balance, simplicity, sustainability, and connection aligned with each of the four quadrants of the AQAL model and integral theory.