May 23, Tuesday
09:00 – 12:00
Budapest (CEST)
May 23, Tuesday
14:00 – 17:00
Budapest (CEST)

Jung, Integral, Archetypes – remember self

IEC Conference: 2023

During this day event delegates will get exposed to the interplay of ICF-accredited coaching methodology, informed by Jungian theory. Various modalities such as gestalt work and expressive arts will be used in the session. The process will allow delegates to crystallise rich experiences and illustrate the powerful impact of concepts line individuation, archetypes and storytelling on leadership functioning. A video of Dr Avi Goren-Bar will introduce the method while accredited Jungian coaches the Jungian Coaching School Africa will illustrate how they use coaching to support leaders in organisations to perform. Through storytelling it will become clear how rich insights can provide material for the coach to support his coachee to deal with their dilemma presented. Goren-Bar explains that this approach  fills the organization’s culture with feminine elements such as expressing feelings, containment, tolerance and nurturing and encourages while stimulating original initiatives it will bond the individual to the collective.

The difference between facilitation and Jungian thought is in its archetypal knowledge. Our acquired understanding of the psychodynamic contents of the archetypes involved in a particular dilemma provides us with a behavioral formula for how to coach our trainee towards achieving the expected skills or changes targeted.

Another helpful source agent for change is the adoption of non-rational thinking and the use of symbols and images. Most trainees, as most people, look for problem solving in domains they are accustomed to, in past solutions, available capacities, or the near and familiar environment. Non rational thinking (as known to us from mythologies, particularly the Greek mythology)  challenges the trainee to dare to bring up ideas, wishes, desires and fantasies in the range of the unbelievable, unexpected and even forbidden realm. By moving through the knowing to the unconscious material – true alchemy may happen.
By working with the deep principles of alchemy – and correlating that to individuation through storytelling, myth and fairytale; deep insights into patterns may be experienced.

Proposed structure for the session
During this session delegates will get exposed to the interplay of ICF-accredited coaching methodology, informed by Jungian theory. Various modalities such as gestalt work and expressive arts will be used in the session. The process will allow delegates to crystallise rich experiences and illustrate the powerful impact of concepts line individuation, archetypes and storytelling on leadership functioning. Through storytelling it will become clear how rich insights can provide material for the coach to support his coachee to deal with their dilemma presented. The interplay of different domains of the psyche, the shadow and archetypes will be explored.

Session 1:  Story-telling

Session 2:  My own myth

Session 3:  Our collective unconscious.


South Africa

Dr Rica Cornelia Viljoen, an executive, researcher, and internationally recognized systems psychodynamic facilitator and Jungian coach, specializing in integral inclusivity and multiculturalism. She is affiliated with the Da Vinci Institute for Business Leadership and the Meridian University in San Francisco Bay.
As the founding member of Mandala Consulting, a niche organizational development firm, Rica has worked in 52 countries, pioneering the Benchmark of Engagement research methodology. This approach, acknowledged for its effectiveness in fostering trust and optimizing cultural dynamics, has significantly contributed to business success worldwide.
Applying a scholarly-scientific-practitioner framework, Rica continues to publish case studies and consult on organizational dynamics, culture, social systems, and multiculturalism. She has supervised over 100 PhD and Master’s students, further advancing academic and practical knowledge in these fields. She is recognised globally as the leading scholar in the field of Spiral Dynamics Integral.
Rica’s contributions have been widely recognized, earning her the Institute of People Management CEO Award (2017) for her national and international impact, as well as the South African Board of People Practices CEO Award (2021) for her professional contributions. Her doctoral research on inclusivity in organizations as a radical transformational strategy was globally acknowledged by the Academy of Management as one of the ten most significant contributions to the field.
She is on the Board of the Don Beck Spiral Dynamics Integral Foundation and the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Studies in Organization. She is working diligently on the establishment of the Clare Graves Foundation and is a member of the Integral Scholar Consortium.
Rica has collaborated closely with Dr. Don Beck (USA) in translating Spiral Dynamics theory into pragmatic applications She is a widely published author, with notable works including “Spiral Dynamics in Action,” which has been translated into nine languages. Her latest book: Organisations that Grow and Sustain – An integral approach, is released in May.
As a member of the Club of Rome, Rica continues to shape global thought leadership in the field of human development and organizational transformation. Her life’s mission is to give voice to untold stories and empower leaders to discover their true potential