I would like to present New World Philosophy for Everyone, which is a philosophical “product”. As such it can be disseminated to the population.
Spiral Dynamics, Ego Development Theory (SCG) and other social and humanistic theories were assembled together into a meta-theory that describes the developmental model, which performs the developmental process.
Global Awakening is the process of liberation which depends a lot on the socio-cultural environment. Human development is about vertical growth, which depends on the horizontal dimension (arrested – closed – open). People are closed when their basic psychological needs are not fulfilled. In this case, they tend to develop a victim mentality – frustrations, poor self-regulation, extrinsic motivation and unobjective explanations of reality (conspirative thinking). Under favorable living conditions (democracy, freedom, emancipation) with basic psychological needs (culturally) supportive environment, the opposite happens. People become highly trustful, selfless and humanistically oriented. I call this phenomenon culture of responsibility – possibly the only way to global awakening 2.0.