Why coaching / leadership training in organisations does not work! Unless it is systemic and the CEO leads the OD vision. I would like to share how after coaching and training many executives I realised that the good work I was doing was not systemic and sustainable. In 2016 I my a huge business decision that I would not accept contracts unless the CEO did the program first. I went from 50 clients to 5. I would like to share this story and provide the Systemic Development framework which incorporates the integral AQAL/ vertical development / Enneagram and NLP. It includes 28 steps which are a mix of executive coaching/ NLP training/ Systemic Team Coaching and Consulting in a structured yet flexible systemic framework. How and why I use these 4 methodologies into an integrative process. I also have 9 Models which integrate the development into practical applications. It is a journey which can take 3-4 years. My longest standing client in on their 7th year. This process is lead by the CEO and owned by the HR/OD Executive. Here are some quotes which we use:
1. Every business problem is a leadership problem waiting to be solved
2. Culture is nothing more and nothing less than how leaders treat each other.
I also present the 7 leadership Deceptions and the 7 Leadership conversations that practically solve any problem.
Video of me sharing an explanation of the Systemic Development Framework:
Google Folder with a Document showing the 10 Models we use with clients.
Video recording of an HR Consciousness Movement meetings
Podcast with 5 CEO’s about how they inspire personal development in organisations, all use the Systemic Development framework.
CEO FijiAirways
PwC Mauritius Country Partner