Wholistic Regeneration: Evolutionary Sh*t Show
A new era of Regenerative Community is growing beyond the Exterior focus of traditional environmentalism, to include our individual and collective Interior landscapes. Members of the leading edge of the global eco communities movement have joined with digital visionaries, and have been co-creating Intentional nodes of human growth & development. We are doing the “hard” […]
Integral Awareness & Energy Field Psychotherapy
In this Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) experience we will dive into essentials of expansive contemplation that allows you to integrate deeper states of consciousness (including flow & non-dual states) with everyday activities—such as not just your personal meditation practice but also work, interpersonal communication, and group energy field awareness. You’ll explore thoughts, feelings, sensations, and […]
RBDSM:Explore yr tender clarity in new connections
Join us in a transformative workshop to create safer spaces where you can authentically express yourself and connect more freely with others. Learn tools to embody your sovereignty in complex relational dynamics by communicating your needs, desires, and boundaries while deeply listening to others. True consent requires clarity—knowing the meaning, context, and potential consequences of […]
ALL My Relations- You Me We This
This short conscious movement workshop will provide a safe environment to explore relationship dynamics through the body. Are your relationships loving, compassionate and exciting? OR are you repeating the same patterns over and over? Living in the past? Fearing intimacy? Getting stuck in dead ends? Is showing vulnerability a challenge? What are your relationship blind […]
Rewriting Your Story: Beyond Attachment Trauma
Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand why we keep repeating one behavior or another in our relationships. How deep are these patterns and why are they so ingrained? Would you like to learn more about dysfunctional attachment styles that may have nothing to do with you but have been passed down through generations […]
Love, Relationship, and Flow
Experience abundant love. Discover how to help those you love feel your love like never before. Explore the vast diversity of love styles and experience love patterns you never knew existed. Expand your horizons of love, dive deeper into the depth of love, and discover the evolutionary developmental heights of love. This experiential workshop is […]
Turquoise-like Life & Business Families-Communities
Authentic human live-business Relationships in of the near Future… what could it be about? Could you ever image that you have the space on the earth where you are very comfortable, deeply truly excepted and effectively supported, sponsored and at the same time, feel you’re going in your own way realizing your deep, true Self? […]
Mapping Your Shadow Crash: An Embodied Experience
In this workshop, Kim guides you on a brief deep dive into the developmental levels of your shadow. With intricate detail, Kim helps you untangle the driving passion of the soul from the survival drive of the shadow, leaving you more clear, alive, and authentic. This brief deep dive into your unknown self will help […]
The Shadow Side of Planetary Awakening:
We love individual awakening for the planet. We love planetary awakening for the individual. And we love collective awakening in general. But what is the shadow side of all this “awakening”? In this dynamic workshop, Terri O’Fallon and Kim Barta team up once again to explore the science and mysticism of evolutionary awakening. But, of […]
Why Relationships Matter for Planetary Awakening
Realize why being in a healthy sustainable Integral Love Relationship not only matters for our own well-being and flourishing, but also for that of our soulmate, humanity, and future generations. Recognize that all functional systems are created by wholes who are parts of larger wholes, like whole humans who are parts of healthy couples, who […]