Exploring True Prosperity
The dominant concept of prosperity is based on the illusion of separation, causing us to strive for our personal wellbeing through the accumulation of material wealth, usually to the detriment of our fellow humans and non-humans. Vivian has developed an alternative model of prosperity, which focuses on our true needs and is based on connection […]
4 Quadrants of Dragon Dreaming and Medicine Wheel
The Dragon Dreaming mandala holds enduring wisdom from the Purple era of the Australian Aborigines. Walking the mandala’s four quadrants can help us to see and meet ourselves and each other. It can reveal how we walk with differences in our communities, and how our natural differences have been shaped by our cultural contexts. The […]
Integral Regeneration
Since the awakening of the 1960s, people and projects around the world have been continuing to practice holistic forms of personal and collective development and new norms of the Interior and Exterior “We”. Currently, we are in a “next level” era of Integral awakening: in the synergy of Web3 leaders living and working with somatic, […]
Cultivating Emergence
How are we cultivating—co-holding and curating—the embers within us all for transformation? The presentation draws on our collective experiences—20 years of Generating Transformative Change, Emergent Leadership and Integral Sustainability engagement. It features key lessons we’ve co-learnt, with many participants, as we are responding to our challenging times. The times mean embracing the unknown, the unwanted, […]
Integral Emergence
This workshop is an experiential dive into holding, catalyzing, and curating individual and collective emergence. We draw from 20 years of experience engaging with transformative learning and development in response to our challenging times. Inquiries include: what does it mean to embrace the unknown, the unwanted, and/or the impossible? How can we attune to ourselves, […]
Silent connections (because talking is overrated)
Silent Connections Connections in stillness, being a witness, metaphor for timelessness. Allowing us to be with the other, a reflection of ourselves. Witnessing allows for a meeting in presence, recognising the other as you. Being the body, space, environment and relationship that we are. Connection with hearts, a metaphor for our relationships in this moment. […]
What becomes possible? – An Embodied Vision.
Today’s biggest untapped resources (inner, outer, individual, and collective) are unlocked through inner work. In a world where it is virtually possible for everyone to enjoy of the previous highest human achievement of inner work at the beginning of their life, what becomes possible? As a 21 year-old living stably in some of the highest […]
Awakening Interbeing: A New We
Come get a taste of Awakened Interbeing, where the relational field wakes up to itself, as us. In this experiential workshop, we’ll engage in a handful of different practices to open this emerging spiritual experience: pointing out instructions to ground in awareness and awakening; relational practices to open awareness to the space between us; and, […]
Awakened Interbeing and The New We
To speak about a planetary awakening, we need to be conversant with how a group, and a relationship, can wake up, in a way analogous to how an individual can. I’ll be talking through my take on Awakened Interbeing (We Space) as an emergent, relational awakening practice after more than ten years practicing and leading […]
The Shadow Side of Planetary Awakening:
We love individual awakening for the planet. We love planetary awakening for the individual. And we love collective awakening in general. But what is the shadow side of all this “awakening”? In this dynamic workshop, Terri O’Fallon and Kim Barta team up once again to explore the science and mysticism of evolutionary awakening. But, of […]