Wholistic Regeneration: Evolutionary Sh*t Show
A new era of Regenerative Community is growing beyond the Exterior focus of traditional environmentalism, to include our individual and collective Interior landscapes. Members of the leading edge of the global eco communities movement have joined with digital visionaries, and have been co-creating Intentional nodes of human growth & development. We are doing the “hard” […]
Beyond Patchworks and Network States
Beyond Patchworks and Network States: Toward Wisdom-Centered Governance As traditional governance structures struggle to keep pace with accelerating complexity, new models are emerging—some rooted in participatory deliberation and integral governance, others leaning toward elite technocratic control or radical decentralization. This presentation will contrast these competing visions by examining Nebulocracy and moral graph technology, not as […]
Algorithmic Undertow and Crises in Governance
As we experience waves of unprecedented technological and political upheaval, our ability to maintain a coherent, functioning society is being eroded by algorithmically mediated digital fragmentation. This presentation explores how AI-driven media ecosystems, designed to maximize engagement rather than coherence, have led to a disintegration of shared reality, making institutions more vulnerable to both accidental […]
A Journey of Sound through the Stages
Imagine a global integral community of hundreds of people resonating together as they take an embodied journey through the stages of development, uniting live music, movement, meditation, dance, and art—going from our earliest expressions of human consciousness all the way to universal oneness. The first version of this event happened during an online edition of […]
Is Human Civilization at Risk?
What will it take to preserve what remains of life on Earth? Is humanity itself at risk? These are the overarching questions the author addresses in this pioneering new book Second Sapiens: The Rise of the Planetary Mind and the Future of Humanity. In it Dawlabani asserts that the current leading intelligence that rules over […]
Zen & STAGES: A Journey of Development & Awakening
This workshop unites Eastern wisdom (Zen) with Western insights (Development). Development shows that with each stage, we’re “reborn,” bringing forth new hopes, fears, and understandings. Spirituality, on the other hand, reminds us that our primordial nature is unborn, undying, beyond concepts, and always accessible here and now. All sentient beings have needs and wants that […]
Becoming the Ground (in a world of chaos)
We grow in direct proportion to the amount of chaos we can sustain and dissipate. Ilya Prigogine We live in times of increasing chaos – times that challenge our capacity to midwife the emergence of a new, convivial world. This active, engaging, & fun workshop will expand your embodied capacity to sustain and dissipate chaos. […]
The First Company Built With an Integral We-Space
Discover how We-Flow guided the founders of a thriving company through an 18-month transformative journey. Grounded in We-Space principles, this process unlocked employee growth, fostered well-being, and delivered exceptional results. This interactive keynote highlights pivotal moments where We-Flow practices turned challenges into breakthroughs, including: Establishing a culture of psychological safety and collaboration. Integrating individual and […]
Love, Relationship, and Flow
Experience abundant love. Discover how to help those you love feel your love like never before. Explore the vast diversity of love styles and experience love patterns you never knew existed. Expand your horizons of love, dive deeper into the depth of love, and discover the evolutionary developmental heights of love. This experiential workshop is […]
We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Business
If awakening is a collective rather than an individual matter, we need to look at the contexts where most collective effort is currently being spent, one of them being: workplaces & organizations. In We-Flow, we have addressed the question of how we can connect the gifts of the individual to a larger network of gifted […]