The Evolution of the Guru-Principle
In Finding Radical Wholeness Wilber describes Waking Up as foundational – a truly Big Wholeness. It provides a “baseline position for those who want a deep, extensive, and even absolute experience of Wholeness.” We will explore the role of the guru in this foundational domain of Waking Up, considering questions like: Has the guru-function diminished […]
Briding Korean Shamanism into Western Medicine
This presentation explores the integration of Korean Shamanism into Western medicine and the role of Mudang (Korean shamans) in traditional healing practices. As a practicing Mudang, deeply rooted in this ancestral tradition, I will share insights on how shamanic rituals and spiritual healing methods can serve as complementary approaches to psychology and medical treatment. My […]
Awareness Meditation for Later Stages’ Descending
Our self is a co-constructed cultural & individual phenomenon. We interpret our experience through previously known symbols & chains of meanings. Each stage assures radical shift of meaning-making structure which incorporates previous stages’ experience. Interstage transition is not subject to awareness and, as many other mental processes, is guided by the unconscious and shadow. Meditation […]
Integral Politics: how can we make it happen?
(Abstract to be edited in two weeks) Following Elke Fein, Karen O’Brien and Integral Politics Switzerland presentations, how can we make it happen both in our personal context and in Europe?
Wholeness through Philosophy and Quantum Mechanics
Attaining structures of consciousness that can “see” wholeness is essential to becoming Whole rather than a composite of parts. Also, since Structures are mainly a function of the mind, and philosophy can be considered a discipline that studies how our minds deal with 6 essential areas of life (What is Reality? What is Knowledge? What […]
Book Launch – The Cosmic Lens
Book Launch – The Cosmic Lens: A New Perspective for Thriving in a Disrupted World (Michiel Doorn, Dr. Birgit Viertlböck) Many people feel anxious about today’s barrage of alarming events (COVID, economy, inflation, supply chain risk, cultural, political, climate disruption, resource scarcities, war, etc.). Older people are wondering what world they are leaving behind for […]
The forgotten mystery of Waking-up
Daniela explores a thought-provoking question central to the Integral community: What is the relationship between the popular, Teal stage idea of creating a “religion that is not a religion” and the simplicity and depth of classical spiritual traditions? She emphasises the foundational importance of Awakening for Integral Theory to come alive and be relevant for […]
Navigating the Thresholds of Transformation
This presentation introduces the “Thresholds of Transformation” Model, a comprehensive framework for guiding individuals, teams and organizations through transformational processes. Grounded in archetypal psychology, systemic thinking, and Integral Theory, the model identifies eight key thresholds individuals encounter when navigating change, from acceptance to responsibility and connection. By integrating insights from the fields of psychotherapy, leadership […]
RBDSM: Explore yr tender clarity in new connections
Join us in a transformative workshop to create safer spaces where you can authentically express yourself and connect more freely with others. Learn tools to embody your sovereignty in complex relational dynamics by communicating your needs, desires, and boundaries while deeply listening to others. True consent requires clarity—knowing the meaning, context, and potential consequences of […]
I´d like to bring a poster that displays me two upcoming international retreats: WILD WISE WOMAN (La Palma Island) TOTAL LIBERATION Sahara Desert Retreat (Morocco)