The 12 Stages of Healing

This experiential workshop explores Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI), a powerful practice developed by Dr. Donald Epstein to deepen body awareness and facilitate healing. Rooted in integral and embodied consciousness, SRI guides participants through 12 progressive stages, each reflecting a unique aspect of the healing journey—from suffering and resistance to empowerment and unity. Through breath, movement, […]

Meditation: Green Tara, Saviouress from Suffering

Join this classic Green Tara meditation to connect more deeply with wisdom and enlightened activity. Green Tara is beloved as the mother of all the Buddhas, specializing in nurturing and protecting all sentient beings. “Tara” means both “star” and “savior:” her practice liberates us from suffering, in particular from fear, danger, and obstacles. Green Tara […]

Free Your Natural Voice / The Sounds of Pleasure

Find your true Expression and explore the entire spectrum of the voice, from primal sounds to the divine resonance. Based on the Free Your Natural Voice methodology, you will be able to access the sounds of the earth and the sky and everything in between. In this session, participants will have an embodied experience of […]

Planet Dharma: Contemporary Enlightenment

This poster is for our spiritual community’s online platform, Planet Dharma. Since 2012 my partner, team, and I have pioneered virtual community with our spiritual teachings. These are grounded in Theravadin, Zen, and Himalayan Buddhism plus the Western Mysteries, combined with applied spiritual practices that are essential for stage development, such as Integral Theory, Fifth […]

Himalayan Compassion Meditation / Visualization

Nurture greater compassion in your mind, life, and the world with this classic meditation, visualization, and mantra. This powerfully transformative Himalayan Buddhist practice is beloved as the central practice for millions of people in the Himalayan region. It is also safe, useful, and easy to do in any context. As part of growing compassion, this […]

Evolution of the Brain – Solving the UR Riddle

During the evolution of the human brain, more and more sophisticated neural structures appeared on the lower levels of the UR quadrant of the AQAL matrix. Later, in the course of the history of humankind, the emergence of languages and later literacy has also changed the brain, areas with new functions appearing in the neocortex. […]

Rewiring the brain by using neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity means that the structure of the brain changes constantly by strengthening or weakening the synaptic connections between neurons. It is also the basis of functioning of memory and learning. It works throughout our lives, although it is most intense before the age of 25. There are chemicals produced in the brain and, to a […]

Neuromodulators and psychoactive substances

Neuromodulators are hormones that have a crucial influence on brain function. The most important are the four happy chemicals: dopamine which regulates motivation, serotonin responsible for satisfaction, endogenous opiates that control pain relief, and oxytocin, which creates loving connection. Most of the psychoactive substances are mind-altering agents that affect the function of neuromodulators, while some […]

Becoming the Ground (in a world of chaos)

We grow in direct proportion to the amount of chaos we can sustain and dissipate.   Ilya Prigogine We live in times of increasing chaos – times that challenge our capacity to midwife the emergence of a new, convivial world. This active, engaging, & fun workshop will expand your embodied capacity to sustain and dissipate chaos. […]

Turquoise-like Life & Business Families-Communities

Authentic human live-business  Relationships in  of the near Future… what could it be about? Could you ever image that you have the space on the earth  where you are very comfortable, deeply truly excepted  and effectively supported, sponsored and at the same time, feel you’re  going  in your own way realizing your deep, true Self? […]

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