Catalyzing Coherence as a Movement of Movements

As thousands of societal movements around the world increasingly recognize their interdependence and attempt to cooperate, how can Integral consciousness become a force of coherence and collaborative, movement-based action? Let’s explore how large societal movements like the environmental movement, the human rights movement, the social justice movement, economic reform movements, and the international peace movement […]

Transformational Play – Secrets of Coherence

When set up correctly, play creates coherence quickly. Co-creative intelligence, healing and magic can then follow. Play is an important transformational tool to understand and practice. At its full potential it brings people beyond fear to trusting the unknown so they can grow. Collectively we develop the capacity to shift to the new being, the […]

Generation Z From the Inside

With more and more technological and cultural impacts of the online age taking place, we must not forget to transcend and include the youth who grew up in it. How do we relate to integral? How might you best assist us on our growth? How did the internet, social media, technologies impact us? While generationalism can […]

Mindful practice for conscious climate action

Awareness and concern about climate change exists. Yet, when we move through our daily lives, our actions often don’t match that concern. In this experiential workshop, we will slow down what is going on in that values-to-action gap. Using an integral voice dialogue process, we will dance around the poles of awareness and unawareness, attachment […]

Navigating through the topography of work

During the workshop, the participants will be provoked about the global changes in the context of work and the meta crisis by different perspectives and stages. It will also stimulate them to reflect on the results of the Topography of Work research (theme of the Keynote presentation) and their own experience of the meaning of […]

Exploring True Prosperity

The dominant concept of prosperity is based on the illusion of separation, causing us to strive for our personal wellbeing through the accumulation of material wealth, usually to the detriment of our fellow humans and non-humans. Vivian has developed an alternative model of prosperity, which focuses on our true needs and is based on connection […]

The topography of Work: an integral experiment

The meta-crisis we are going through casts an enormous shadow and uncertainty over the meaning and configuration of Work. And this theme is fundamental since it is one of the main elements connecting the micro-world of individuals with the macro-world of organizations and politics. Work directly affects Integral health, as well, the global economy and […]

The Future, AI and Consciousness

Only the future will show how humanity will make the transformation to sustainable global civilizations possible, rooted in a mindset of later stages of consciousness, which is the premise for the great transition. In this presentation, I show why current AIs are operating mostly from ego-centric or ethnocentric levels of consciousness and argue why AI […]

Social Permaculture: Integral Tools for Awakening

Permaculture is commonly known as integrated gardening/farming, as it has traditionally focused on “Earth Care.” Despite that focus on the “exterior,” permaculture was always meant to be a whole systems approach to sustainable living. In recent years “Social Permaculture” has been emerging, building on the social changes initiated in the 60s, and going beyond the […]

4 Quadrants of Dragon Dreaming and Medicine Wheel

The Dragon Dreaming mandala holds enduring wisdom from the Purple era of the Australian Aborigines. Walking the mandala’s four quadrants can help us to see and meet ourselves and each other. It can reveal how we walk with differences in our communities, and how our natural differences have been shaped by our cultural contexts. The […]

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