AQtivating Soul Power: Wholing City Metacrisis

In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural […]

Growing wings of transformation

We are living in times of upheaval, conflict, and uncertainty. One thing is becoming clear: the traditional approaches to change no longer suffice. What if we take seriously the idea that the outer world reflects our inner world? What if the conflicts we see around us mirror our inner fragmentation?  This calls for a paradigm […]

Finding Wholeness in Education: A Place for Us

This presentation shares our experience of educating from wholeness at our arts and nature-based integral education project for underprivileged children in rural India. A Place for Us integrates physical,  emotional, cognitive, relational and spiritual dimensions of learning, addressing the whole child within socio-cultural realities. Our programme provides nourishing food, basic literacy and numeracy skills, incorporating […]

Supersonic whip, and Sacred weapons of cultures

The physical and mental general benefits of martial arts are known. When examined from the perspective of the left quadrants and the SD model, new potentials emerge. My initiations to the transpersonal levels are the supersonic whip – as a sacred weapon, and my soaring horse as a companion. The “holy struggles” of religions, cultures, […]

Psychotherapy, Spirituality and Shadow

Explore the complex adaptive system of Psychotherapy, Spirituality, and Shadow in this dynamic presentation. What are the differences, the similarities, and the complex interactive dynamics of these 3 pillars of consciousness? What role may Psychotherapy have in Spiritual development? What effects does Shadow have on the Spiritual life? How might Spirituality improve one’s Psychology? Explore […]

DIE & GET RE-BORN: Unleash the power of darkness

We are all seeking the light – we are all striving for true freedom, happiness & inner fulfilment, yet it´s collectively a striving from a place of victimhood and scarcity. We are dreaming about an easygoing and abundant life while ignoring that ease & abundance have always been with us. Back then, when we were […]

Integral Yoga Meditation

Integral Yoga Meditation is a spiritual path. It combines & integrates body, breath & spirit to a holistic way of practice. Asanas, mindful breathing, praṇayama, chanting, recitation, silent meditation, walking meditation, darśan are all part of its path. This integrative practice is the groundwork and preparation for yoga/ samādhi. In this morning workshop, we will […]


Integral means not touched . To Pass from the Zero is to realise that we are integral, any our exeprience is integral. According to transpersonal psychology, the concept of Self expresses the corresponding microcosmic psychic space of unity, which is drawn upon by transcending and including the ego through disidentification. I will present concept such […]

Growing Up after Waking Up

Waking up, or spiritual wisdom, is one of the most precious and profound gifts of the human experience. Yet in our teachers and ourselves,  shadow accompanies the light.   In this session,  will explore how spiritual realization evolves from Tier 1- Tier 2-Tier 3 as our ego matures, with a focus on spiritual bypassing and spiritual […]

Death at Home II- Inner Positioning on Collective Death

After 30 years of professional practice I created  Inner Positioning as a method for personal & transpersonal development.  IEC workshops in 2014 and 2016. A book in Spanish that year. Presentation in 2018 Regathering. Online workshop in 2021, applying IP to individual Death consciousness. March 2022 book publication in English: In 2023, we’re dealing with […]

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