Awareness Meditation for Later Stages’ Descending
Our self is a co-constructed cultural & individual phenomenon. We interpret our experience through previously known symbols & chains of meanings. Each stage assures radical shift of meaning-making structure which incorporates previous stages’ experience. Interstage transition is not subject to awareness and, as many other mental processes, is guided by the unconscious and shadow. Meditation […]
Integral Awareness & Energy Field Psychotherapy
In this Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) experience we will dive into essentials of expansive contemplation that allows you to integrate deeper states of consciousness (including flow & non-dual states) with everyday activities—such as not just your personal meditation practice but also work, interpersonal communication, and group energy field awareness. You’ll explore thoughts, feelings, sensations, and […]
Deconcentration in Integral Awareness Meditation
Deconcentration is a powerful contemplative technique first developed in the later period of consciousness research in USSR; it has correlations with both advanced shamatha-like and open-awareness states practiced in major meditative traditions. We have incorporated deconcentration as an essential part of Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) as well as a useful tool for Integral Psychotherapy. Deconcentration, […]
Invoking Wholeness Through Collective Awakening
Meditation is often seen as a purely subjective, individual practice. But what happens when we turn the eye of meditative awareness toward the intersubjective, or collective mind in which we are always enfolded? In this guided group meditation session, we’ll come together and explore the contours of collective consciousness and co-awakening. Sharing a combination of […]
A Journey of Sound through the Stages
Imagine a global integral community of hundreds of people resonating together as they take an embodied journey through the stages of development, uniting live music, movement, meditation, dance, and art—going from our earliest expressions of human consciousness all the way to universal oneness. The first version of this event happened during an online edition of […]
The Practice of Intersubjective Nonduality
Intersubjective nonduality is the living recognition that enlightenment is not only an individual realization but a shared, co-emergent field of awakened consciousness. It arises when two or more individuals step beyond the illusion of separateness, not by losing themselves, but by becoming fully, radically present. In this space, all participants feel simultaneously sovereign—authentic, free, and […]
From Primal to the Divine – Performance Art
Multidisciplinary site specific performance installation. illustrates the importance of transcending our belief systems and revealing what is left beyond the body and beyond our thoughts. Creating a fantastic world for ‘the performer’ to live in and embody the 4 quadrant and Orders of Consciousness based on the work of Robert Kegan and Ken Wilber. Incorporating […]
The forgotten mystery of Waking-up
Daniela explores a thought-provoking question central to the Integral community: What is the relationship between the popular, Teal stage idea of creating a “religion that is not a religion” and the simplicity and depth of classical spiritual traditions? She emphasises the foundational importance of Awakening for Integral Theory to come alive and be relevant for […]
‘Deabbreviation’ in Digital Communication
In the digital age, rapid communication often compromises warmth and depth in relationships. Abbreviations like “HBD” instead of “Happy Birthday” reflect a trend of emotional detachment. This paper introduces “deabbreviation,” a process for restoring warmth and depth in digital communication. Rather than just expanding abbreviations, deabbreviation aims to infuse messages with emotional presence and genuine […]
Meditation: Green Tara, Saviouress from Suffering
Join this classic Green Tara meditation to connect more deeply with wisdom and enlightened activity. Green Tara is beloved as the mother of all the Buddhas, specializing in nurturing and protecting all sentient beings. “Tara” means both “star” and “savior:” her practice liberates us from suffering, in particular from fear, danger, and obstacles. Green Tara […]