Feel Y/Our Future

Step into a powerful, immersive experience designed to help you connect deeply with your ideal future. Guided through a personal exploration, you’ll envision and be encouraged to FEEL the life you truly desire, uncovering surprising details that bring clarity, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. This journey allows you to align with your highest […]

Active Consciousness Meditation

Active Consciousness Meditation (Ananda Mandala Meditation) is a dynamic practice combining meditation and breathwork to enhance self-awareness, emotional release, and clarity. This 90-minute session guides participants through breathwork and visualization techniques focused on the seven chakras, activating kundalini energy for deep transformation. Participants often experience: Emotional release Inner peace Profound insights Spiritual awakening Beyond relaxation, […]

From Primal to the Divine – Performance Art

Multidisciplinary site specific  performance installation.  illustrates the importance of transcending our belief systems and revealing what is left beyond the body and beyond our thoughts.  Creating a fantastic world for ‘the performer’ to live in and embody the 4 quadrant and Orders of Consciousness based on the work of Robert Kegan and Ken Wilber. Incorporating […]

‘Deabbreviation’ in Digital Communication

In the digital age, rapid communication often compromises warmth and depth in relationships. Abbreviations like “HBD” instead of “Happy Birthday” reflect a trend of emotional detachment. This paper introduces “deabbreviation,” a process for restoring warmth and depth in digital communication. Rather than just expanding abbreviations, deabbreviation aims to infuse messages with emotional presence and genuine […]

Meditation: Green Tara, Saviouress from Suffering

Join this classic Green Tara meditation to connect more deeply with wisdom and enlightened activity. Green Tara is beloved as the mother of all the Buddhas, specializing in nurturing and protecting all sentient beings. “Tara” means both “star” and “savior:” her practice liberates us from suffering, in particular from fear, danger, and obstacles. Green Tara […]

Free Your Natural Voice / The Sounds of Pleasure

Find your true Expression and explore the entire spectrum of the voice, from primal sounds to the divine resonance. Based on the Free Your Natural Voice methodology, you will be able to access the sounds of the earth and the sky and everything in between. In this session, participants will have an embodied experience of […]


I´d like to bring a poster that displays me two upcoming international retreats: WILD WISE WOMAN (La Palma Island) TOTAL LIBERATION Sahara Desert Retreat (Morocco)

ARCHETYPAL EMBODIMENT: Embody your wild true Self

In this workshop we will journey through at least 5 different archetypes: Lover, Warrior, Shamanic Healer, Magician, Sovereign (Queen/King) – and if we have enough time we might even invite Dark Goddess KALI, who acts as the fierce soul liberator for our highest potential. Archetypal Embodiment is a powerful tool to access deepest inner wisdom […]

Himalayan Compassion Meditation / Visualization

Nurture greater compassion in your mind, life, and the world with this classic meditation, visualization, and mantra. This powerfully transformative Himalayan Buddhist practice is beloved as the central practice for millions of people in the Himalayan region. It is also safe, useful, and easy to do in any context. As part of growing compassion, this […]

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