IEC Conference: 2025

I´d like to bring a poster that displays me two upcoming international retreats:

  • WILD WISE WOMAN (La Palma Island)
  • TOTAL LIBERATION Sahara Desert Retreat (Morocco)



Tanja Billek is an old soul, incarnated in a modern Austrian body who understands the evolutionary journey of self-discovery from a karmic perspective. All her life has prepared her to serve planetary awakening from a spiritually grounded authentic approach. She is a shadow worker, able to see directly through people´s limiting stories, straight into their essence, knowing that she will forever be a student of life herself.  She is meant to help other human beings to break free from their own inner prisons of (un)conscious self-sabotage, social conditioning and suppressed pain, by constantly peeling off & integrating her own layers of shadow. Tanja is designed to help people shedding their old skin & evolve into their next level of authenticity by holding sacred space, speaking deep powerful truths and setting them on fire through her vibrant effervescent energy. She has worked with people from all over the world and is specialized in emotional release, archetypal embodiment, inner child work & reparenting, shadow integration and spiritual ascension. Tanja believes that we all came here to experience life to the fullest & this century is about a collective shift into the full, authentic, souvereign self on a physical, psychological, emotional & spiritual level. Dropping masks, fully acknowledging all parts of our Selves & expressing them in a healthy way is what prepares us for the next level – the rising of the Phoenix.