How Hidden Source-Holarchies Shape Organizations

Formal structures (LR) do not fully explain how leadership actually emerges in organizations.Social systems naturally generate informal leadership hierarchies (LL), which often remain unconscious but have a profound impact on individual influence, collective decision-making, and team effectiveness. In this keynote, Tobias shares his journey as a systemic constellation facilitator in search of the underlying leadership […]

Free Your Natural Voice / The Sounds of Pleasure

Find your true Expression and explore the entire spectrum of the voice, from primal sounds to the divine resonance. Based on the Free Your Natural Voice methodology, you will be able to access the sounds of the earth and the sky and everything in between. In this session, participants will have an embodied experience of […]

Deepen Widen and Lengthen Transformative Impact

This presentation explores the application of the 3D Framework from Transformative Social Innovation (TSI) theory in guiding social change efforts to achieve more fundamental, wide-spread and sustained impact. Through empirical research on global networks of community-led and student-led sustainability initiatives, I developed the 3D Framework in my doctoral research, offering a conceptual lens and practical […]

Source Leadership: Your role in holarchic fields

Leadership doesn’t simply happen in org charts – it arises in the invisible spaces between people. The theory of Source (according to Peter König) shows how social fields emerge and work around projects. It makes informal hierarchies tangible and explains how they can differ based on context. This makes it easier to resolve leadership challenges […]


I´d like to bring a poster that displays me two upcoming international retreats: WILD WISE WOMAN (La Palma Island) TOTAL LIBERATION Sahara Desert Retreat (Morocco)

ARCHETYPAL EMBODIMENT: Embody your wild true Self

In this workshop we will journey through at least 5 different archetypes: Lover, Warrior, Shamanic Healer, Magician, Sovereign (Queen/King) – and if we have enough time we might even invite Dark Goddess KALI, who acts as the fierce soul liberator for our highest potential. Archetypal Embodiment is a powerful tool to access deepest inner wisdom […]

NO MORE DRAMA: Break up with toxic family patterns

Since I was born there was always drama in our family – especially led by my mother, the main figure that raised me since my dad was mostly abroad due to work. Despite I got a lot of love from my mother, I also got emotionally abused by her and I could find myself in […]

Rewriting Your Story: Beyond Attachment Trauma

Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand why we keep repeating one behavior or another in our relationships. How deep are these patterns and why are they so ingrained? Would you like to learn more about dysfunctional attachment styles that may have nothing to do with you but have been passed down through generations […]

Bringing wholeness to politics with Deep Democracy

Deep Democracy is a powerful tool for addressing shadow dimensions in groups and the larger society. In this interactive workshop, I will first give a short introduction to the principles of a new, integral paradigm of doing politics. The first principle is about including more perspectives, especially the inner quadrants. Based on the work of […]

Wholeness in politics – surfing the polarities

The world is craving for re-connection and healing in all areas. As we approach the climax of late modern consciousness, the collateral damages that this structure of consciousness has – and is bringing about every day – become ever more clearly visible. We see division all around us, in all areas, across the globe. It […]

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