Dr. Elke Fein is a social and political scientist and holds a PdD in Russian Studies. Her academic focus is on large scale socio-political transition processes, leadership and political culture, using adult developmental approaches. Elke is also the co-founder and managing director of the Institute for integral Studies (IFIS) in Freiburg/Germany. She has initiated and coordinated the EU-funded “Leadership-for-transition (LiFT)” project (2013-2022), among them the Strategic Partnership LiFT Politics (2019-2022), which explored political innovations based on integral and meta-modern ideas across Europe. One of the results of LiFT Politics is her book “Foundations, Principles and Inspirational Resources of Integral Politics” (2023). Elke is currently building up a School for Integral Politics as a space for learning and experiencing a new, holistic/integral paradigm of doing politics. Contact: fein.elke@gmail.com, www.ifis-freiburg.de.