Ibiza II.
May 28, Sunday
11:30 – 13:30
Budapest (CEST)

Essentials of Integral Politics

IEC Conference: 2023

This presentation makes the point for a paradigm shift in politics based on an integral consciousness. Why? Politics as we know it is outdated. It lacks the tools, the operating system and the vision to address the challenges humanity is facing at the necessary speed and with the right priorities today. Its very “operating system”, consisting of core assumptions about the world, motivational drivers, typical behaviors and instruments for decision-making and problem-solving has emerged in the early days of European parliamentarism. It is no longer fit for purpose today.

Global mega-challenges call for cross-cutting cooperation and collective intelligence. In view of reinventing politics towards an integral operating system, we can draw on numerous inspirations, from Sri Aurobindo to Ken Wilber until Quantum Social Science. Their insights are a powerful invitation to rediscover our own agency and to actively engage in putting integral politics into practice.

FEIN, Elke


Dr. Elke Fein is the co-founder and managing director of the Institute for integral Studies (IFIS) in Freiburg/germany. She is a social and political scientist focusing on large scale socio-political transition processes, leadership and political culture, using adult developmental approaches. She is the initiator and coordinator of the EU-funded “Leadership-for-transition (LiFT) – Politics” project, a Strategic Partnership exploring political innovations based on integral and meta-modern ideas.