HABIB, Tom Dr.

United States

Tom Habib, Ph.D. was founder and managing partner in a private group Clinical Psychology practice for 26 years and is currently in private practice with his daughter, Adrienne Habib, Psy.D. Tom is an independent researcher (https://independent.academia.edu/HabibTom) with research interest in integral theory, sensory processing sensitivity, collective intelligence, and the higher stages of intimate couples.
Dr. Habib is the past Chairperson for the IEC’s International Consortium of Integral Scholars and is active in San Diego Integral and the Integral European Conference. Tom served as the emcee of the highly successful 2022 What’s the Future Conference in Sedona, Arizona and developed the ICON Conference, Future Human held in Denver, Colorado in 2024. Tom lives in Carlsbad, California with his wife Christine A. Baser, R.N., Ph.D., and they just celebrated their 40th anniversary.