Ruan is personally trained by Dr Don Beck and Dr Loraine Laubscher in spiral dynamics and adaptive intelligence. He is an expert on the Change State Indicator and Psychological Map instruments that describe adaptive intelligence. His unique contribution to the field of study of multiculturalism lies in generational theory. Ruan successfully implemented various transformational processes […]

VICH, Marek

My main interest is to explore, apply and spread methods that support evolution of human co-operation and co-living. I work as an assistant professor at the University of Economics in Prague where I focus on the teaching and research in management and mindfulness. I am also a co-creator of a few local self-organising projects. My […]

VERÉB, Szandra

I am an integral counselor, bodywork group leader, constellation leader, oriental dancer and doula. I accompany people with integral approach on their way to themselves in private sessions and in groups. My psychologycal and spiritual studies have been started at the Integral Academy, in that era I started to meditate as well. Now I became […]

UCIK, Martin

Martin is a NARM trauma informed Integral Author, Trainer, and Consultant who supports singles and couples in co-creating healthy integral love relationships. He moved from Germany to California in the 90s where he trained with Eckhart Tolle as a group facilitator and later became an avid student of Ken Wilber’s Integral Philosophy. This allowed him […]


After teaching for years, I burnt out. Since then my life has been very rich. The main things holding me back from being happy, feeling connected and expressing myself fully were lack of self-compassion and trust in life. I was able to shift that by integrating what I had learned through e.g. Circling and embodiment. […]


Igor is an integral coach, member of ECOIC – European Consortium of Integral Coaches. He holds university degree in technical cybernetics and MBA and is an internationally experienced digital transformation promoter. Igor is founder of Dolvea Innovation, a company focusing on the role of human factor in complex process industries like hospitals, manufacturing, but also […]

STORCK, Anna Dr.

Highly flexible and adaptable global talent consultant and an excellent communicator with a sensitive approach to important and often complex issues. In her 30-year career in the field of education she has worked for several international brands and business organisations, government administration institutions, non-governmental organisations and renowned higher education institutions in Poland, Germany, Italy, United […]


Peter Stefanyi, PhD., PCC Originally a physicist looking for the Dark Matter of the Universe and studying quantum phenomena, Peter focused on the essence of outside reality. Now he is bringing to people the wonders of quantum world in an understandable fashion assisting the mind to gain new, broader perspectives and modes of operation. Peter […]

SOARES, Paula Dr.

Professor, Thought Leader and Change Maker, Awarded 2019 WEF (Women Economic Forum) – Exceptional Women of Excellence Award in Portugal for the Pioneering work of Introducing New Paradigms into Higher Education for the past 10 years. Co-Creator of “Academia de Sofia” a platform that spreads New Paradigms into Higher Education. Passionate “Life Long Learner” collecting […]

SHADAB, Farsam

Founder of Enaxion, InterEnactive and the Bay Area’s first Integral Commons (2002-2004; also first in the USA), Farsam Shadab has taken a background in Cognitive Science as well as 20 years of Integral studies (both academic and applied) into the world’s first full-realized Integral platform for “Holonomic” interactivity that marries decentralization tools (Holochain) with holistic […]