GEIKEN, Bettina (Belgium)

Title of contribution:

Valuesmatch – make the world a more conscious, loving and understanding place


Valuesmatch – make the world a more conscious, loving and understanding place

How to make transformative education sexy

Where & when:

Play Room
Tuesday, 22nd 15:30-17:00

Wednesday, 23rd 20:30-22:00

Play Room
Thursday, 24th 12:00-14:00

Toscana II.
Friday, 25th 11:30-13:30

How to make transformative education sexy – A co-creative process around global comptences in a VUCA world

An increasing number of initiatives across Europe and worldwide develop and deliver transformative adult and higher education which is inspired by integral, holistic and sustainability frameworks. Many of these initiatives, however, struggle with visibility, viability and recognition.In conversations among several initiatives and networks the idea emerged to co-create a European portal for transformative education to promote and strengthen this emerging field. The workshop proposes to explore the following questions through a number of co-creative methods:
What are the competences, dispositions, attitudes a complex and multicultural world needs in order to address properly the global challenges?
Which global culture is required to foster the development of global competences?
Which contents and structures in the educational field do we need in a VUCA World?
What is needed to increase the visibility of transformative education?

About Dr. Bettina Geiken

To support the coevolving of self and system and making room for the creation of new life affirming ecosystems is Bettina’s inner motivation and purpose. She combines a background in scientific research with a passion for facilitation of collaborative processes and project design for multi-stakeholder projects addressing the increasing complexity in the current world. She is co-founder of the Social Architect Community of Practicing and SelfLeaders Facilitator for value-based leadership

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