Title of contribution:
Integral Church
Where & when:
Thursday, May 28th, 2020
15:30 – 18:00
Workshop: Integral Church
Integral Church is a network of communities actively building a religion of the future — one that embraces both science and spirit, history and mythology, nature and technology, contemplation and action.
Integral Church is home for those who identify with more than one faith tradition as well as the “spiritual but not religious” or religiously unaffiliated. We offer circles in the US and Hungary as well as book studies, hiking, potlucks, dance, art-as-meditation, volunteer opportunities and more.
Join us and plug into a community of diverse and intergenerational bridge-builders committed to personal development, interfaith dialogue, serving their community, healing their planet, deepening their spiritual practice and exploring the space between.
About Orsolya Hasenfracz:
Working with individuals, supporting them in their everyday lives and their everyday problems, supporting them through their stages of grief, and learning to live with childhood traumas.
Her beliefs are that experiencing the reality beyond the five senses in a real community is an essenessential thing that everyone should experience in their lifetimes, which is also one of the many reasons she’s an enthusiastic part of the community of the Integral Church of Hungary.