Title of contribution:

Takes Green Decision – Avoiding to Teal Solutions

Where & when:

Ibiza I.

Sunday, 27th May

Project: Systemic Consensing takes green decision-avoiding to teal solutions

Systemic Consensing takes green decision-avoiding to teal solutions
In many green communities being non-judgemental is applied as a rule in everyday life. Ranking of options is mistaken as a hierarchy of power. Decisions are avoided and the organisation is paralyzed.
Systemic Consensing, SC shows the consequences of not deciding, and ensures that everybody gets heard by measuring the Resistance against the proposals (instead of counting Pro Votes for the majority principle that can be interpreted as power over the minority.)
Defining zero resistance as “I can go with this proposal although it is not my favorite” speeds up the decision. The implementation is reliable because nobody must carry disadvantages that she can not bear.

About Joachim Born:

Joachim started in marketing and sales as a trained chemist. In 1988 he studied environmental protection with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, the inventor of -amongst others- emission trading and since then cared for safety, health, and environment in chemical industry. After retiring Joachim now applies Nonviolent Communication in charity peace projects, practices Integral Zen and supports Pulse of Europe. He is married and has two grown up children.

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